An Introduction to Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs Syndrome also known as RLS is a neurological disorder that torments patients by inducing a strong desire to move legs and sometimes arms. It often occurs in the legs even though in some patients the conditions extends even to the arms. This feeling can be extremely unpleasant which is only relieved by moving your legs.

In terms of when it occurs, patients have reports it is most common when you are resting and inactive. Patients can feel creeping, crawling, pulling, itching, tingling, burning, aching and even electric shocks in the limps. In terms of who is likely victim of the condition, studies show that women have a greater probability of developing this condition compared to their male counterparts.

The condition typically begins at any age before 45 and also after 45 years of age with varying degrees of intensity. After 45 years of age, doctors have determined that the RLS has generally lesser intensity. RLS can be so bad and annoying to the extent of terribly disrupting sleep. Consequently, some patients suffer from daytime drowsiness and often find traveling a very difficult task.

Recent studies have shown a strong link between RLS and hypertension. It would appear RLS is an important effect on hypertension causes. In fact statistically it has been shown that RLS patients have a whooping 41% chance of developing high blood pressure. The real reason being the limb movement which doctors believe leads to high blood pressure.

Most if the people that have been considered in statistical date of this condition are those who have come forward to report their agony. It would appear they are thousands more cases that go unreported. This is thought to be due to the fear of patients that they might never be understood. Typically some patients feel their condition is hard to explain and may be misunderstood or never understood at all.

Key causes of RLS will include pregnancy. Some pregnant women will develop this condition which in this case often disappears with delivery. This presents a shorter time of trouble compared to patients that suffer from it as a result of hereditary reasons. Doctors have since established that RLS is a result of heredity running through the family. Science shows sites on the chromosomes where genes for RLS may be present.

There are other risk factors for the condition which include kidney failure, iron deficiency and peripheral neuropathy. The question then to be asked is what actually causes RLS. It is strongly believed that the condition is as a result of on imbalance of dopamine. This is an important chemical found in the brain transmitting signals between nerve cells and the brain. In smokers this is the same area that leads to nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

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