
It was a night like so many other nights. I had just left work and I was headed to the store. It was late fall and the sun always seemed to disappear too quickly. The sky was dark. not a cloud to be seen, no moon either.
Maybe that was why I noticed the stars. Don’t get me wrong. I always look to the sky, glance upwards as I rush along.

But tonight, the stars looked huge. As though they were within my reach. ‘Wow!’ I thought as I drove. I have never seen the stars look so large,so bright! Was that a shooting star?
That was the last thing I remember.

How long was I out? I wondered. My head was foggy. I felt disoriented. Who were these ‘people’ around me?
I was never one to believe in UFO’s or aliens. I was too practical. And like so many others I thought of those who believed in UFOs, in aliens, as weirdos.

Yet here I was surrounded by what I could only describe as aliens. They were unusual looking with larger heads and eyes but I wasn’t frightened. The one that spoke to me, I understood and as I could only assume he was indeed a he, seemed kind. The buzz amongst them was muffled and I could only understand some of what they said. ‘Who are you?’ they had asked, not to me, but to one another.

It seemed like time stood still.

As I was wheeled into the recovery room, my daughter on one side, my son on the other, my daughter said to me ‘The stars were bright and beautiful tonight. Eyes to the sky while driving, mom? Not a good idea!’ Dr. Al Lien agreed.

photo credit :Wikipedia public domain

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