Advanced Acting Technique – Visualizing Inner Images

As humans, our words are only half of the inner functions required when speaking. As you recall a story, tell a friend about your horrific encounter at the mall or discuss your upcoming final with your teacher, you are speaking through the help of inner images. We as humans are unable to speak without the use of inner images.

However, don’t get confused; these inner images are not literal photographs or pictures, they are rather flashes of an entire visual representation of a memory.

As an actor, you must learn how to visualize the inner images of your character in order to speak in a realistic and non-scripted manner.

This can prove to be quite difficult for many actors, as everything that happens on stage or in front of a camera is a lie. Your character’s words are not organic, but rather they are directed through the use of script, and no matter how artfully written, these words are nothing more than just that – words and letters.

In order to develop a realistic character; one that is capable of delivering realistic dialogue that feels “organic,” you must learn how to visualize inner images while you’re delivering lines. This advanced acting technique can be challenging when you first delve into this technique; however, by following my tips you may help guide yourself through this journey.

Character History

To create inner images that are unique to your character, you must first create a unique and distinctive personal history for this character. Once you have developed a unique and vivid character, you may then begin developing the inner images to go along with dialogue.

Visualize Line-by-Line Images

Beginner actors typically speak their lines quickly and have no thought or depth within the words they speak. This is because there is nothing going on within their minds beyond, “what’s my next line?”

Unlike real life, the visualization of inner images is not organic. You must concentrate and actually create these images through hours of rehearsal and dialogue study.

One of the most effective ways of breaking into this form of acting is to literally write out the inner images for your character on a line-by-line basis. Write out what the inner images of the character are during his lines, and study these images.

When delivering the dialogue, keep these inner images (along with subtext) in your mind. You will quickly find that you do not rush through your lines, but rather speak so every word has a meaning – every word has weight within them. Although you are working from a script, the thoughts, speech and images must be as truthful and sincere as your own “organic” words, and this can only be done through the use of inner images.

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