A Trip to Vicksburg Civil War Battlefield

I spent the day with my boys in Vicksburg at the Civil War Battlefield. I was Happily Surprised as how much my boys remembered. They knew a lot about the civil war. They talked about the “union” and “confederacy”. As they talked to each other about what they read on the memorials, I saw no hatred. They showed respect at every grave marker, union and confederate alike. Some of the markers were young men their age. I wonder how many of them had better ideas but were never heard? How many of them fought against their will?

I saw a value of humanity, and equal rights they hold. There was no blame or credit given. They spoke of the civil was as a mistake we should learn from. They discussed ways to prevent a repeat of history. My son said, “It can be different.” Ideas flowed between them like a waterfall over rocks.

Kids are the future. Today I saw how it came be a place where race, religion, sex, beliefs, and difference do not divide people. A place where people are not defined by their differences. I know now that one day all Man Kind can be judged solely on their contributions and merits. Our children can show us a better way if we only let them. Racism is taught, not genetic. We can stop racism by teaching that neither influence form race, religion, sex, beliefs, nor difference defines a person as good or bad.

Author’s Note: I did not capitalize union and confederacy… it was not a typo! I will give neither one the formality of a proper name for neither is without shame!

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