3 Reasons Asperger’s Children Engage in Temper Tantrums

Autistic spectrum disorders lead to a variety of behaviors in children that parents are often not well equipped to handle. For many children, the complications with behavior often come from frustration with the inability to communicate effectively, a condition that causes temper tantrums to develop rather quickly. For parents, this can be quite frustrating.

Behavioral complications in children can lead to frustration for parents and for siblings. Understanding why a child with Asperger’s syndrome has severe temper tantrums, can lead to positive therapy outcomes that can aide in mitigating the frustrations and development of this behavior. To effectively overcome the temper tantrums, you must first know what is causing the complication.

Most children with Asperger’s syndrome engage in temper tantrums primarily due to communication frustration. But, in addition to the frustration with lack of communication, some children also develop complications with temper tantrums in response to pain. If your child is suddenly engaging in temper tantrums that do not seem to be normal, it is important t determine if there is an injury or illness to blame.

Should your child not suffer from a communication complication, and if there is no evidence of complications with illness or injury, then the complications with temper tantrums may be related to a secondary mental health complication. For many children with Asperger’s syndrome, there is risk for developing co-morbid health complications including depression, bipolar disorder, and even complications involving mania. For this reason, children with Asperger’s syndrome should be screened for mental health issues as well.

Asperger’s syndrome, like most autistic spectrum disorders, causes a communication complication in children who suffer from the condition. This communication downfall often results in temper tantrums that frustrate parents to a point where parental mental health issues develop. If you are working to control your child’s temper tantrum outbreaks be sure you are familiar with these causes and work with a child therapist to minimize the situations that may lead to tantrum responses.

Sources: Coping with Children on the Autistic Spectrum, by Glen Liddell

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