2012 is the Apocalypse Near, the World Coming to an End in December?

Here we are! 2012 already and many people expect this to be the last year of earth’s existence, or the year of what the last book of the Christian Bible refers to as the “Apocalypse”. According to the Mesoamerican calendar, a very primitive but also a very categorical (according to our current conventional “western”calender) and seemingly decisive calender that the ancient Mayans used, the last day on this systematic calender is December 21, 2012, and some people believe this as a sign of the end of times, due to the consistently accurate measurement of time with which this calender has measured throughout the years with the use of the sun, moon, and planets to calculate and predict time.

Could it be the final days of mankind’s existence? Could everything that has been created such as animals, human relations passed down from generations such as technology itself, the arts and sciences, and all of the events that have evolved on earth over centuries has as the final effect of just being completely wiped out? Lost in time? Many people have different opinions and theories on this subject.

In my opinion. I believe the Mayans did the best they could with the wisdom they possessed and created a remarkable creation of antiquity that has served as a foundation on which to create other calendars throughout the years. That is about the extent of it due to the lack of a fully convicting theory as well as the mass hysteria and lack of reasoning and sensibility that has always stubbornly expressed itself throughout basically all of recorded human history ( I dare not add the word “civilized” in this context!”).

Of all of the different beliefs, theories, religions, and cultures, there seems to be an underlying fear of the integrations of diverse beliefs that humanity is naturally tending to express to help us evolve and I believe this “Apocalyptic theory of 2012″ is but a manifestation of this underlying and in my opinion minutely understandable mindlessness. Honestly I think this is a creation of a few things, one is of the groups of corporate groups of charlatans in the world trying to make some easy money off of easy prey. Another is for people to delude themselves into believing that they could and should do whatever they want to because everyone is about to die anyways. Then there are, of course, the self righteous religious individuals that love to make themselves feel “holier than though” and assume “evil” anyone who does not have beliefs that are harmonious with theirs, in which they believe God will have favor on the “believer” and send the “nonbeliever” to eternal damnation and misery, which is of course absurd as well as detrimental to the commonwealth. Finally, and I hope to be the main factor, I believe this theory is going to force people to think for themselves more as well as unite us and help human beings realize that today is all that each of us may ever have and appreciate the current moment.

I think that when it’s all said and done, the theory is false and people will finally start to accept the ultimate idea that death “could be nearby”, but the future is still going to happen and we need to presently look forward and plan our affairs accordingly. So, do you believe the world is going to end on December 21st of this year? That is for each individual to decide and it is up to us to still get along during this period of uncertainty. Thank you for your time and please feel free to rate or comment on this material or you can even follow me and other contributors and subscribe to further articles we write. Love to all!

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