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When a human has worms what can you do for it

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If pinworm infection is detected or noticed in the stool, seek an OTC treatment like Reese’s Pinworm Medicine or get a Rx from MD. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-a-human-has-worms-what-can-you-do-for-it ]
More Answers to “When a human has worms what can you do for it
When a human has worms what can you do for it
If pinworm infection is detected or noticed in the stool, seek an OTC treatment like Reese’s Pinworm Medicine or get a Rx from MD.
How to get rid of worms in humans?
Most types of worms are found in cats and dogs, but humans can get them too. The best way to get rid of human worm or pin worms, is to see your doctor or look for an over-the-counter such as Reese’s Pinworm medicine. To find more informatio…
Can humans get worms from dogs?
Roundworks and hookworms can be transmitted from a dog to a human. If a dog has worms that have laid eggs on them and you pet the dog, don’t wash your hands and ingest the eggs then the worm has been transmitted. The key here is good hygein…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a human get worms from swallowing a flea (like a dog)?
Q: I pay a lot of money to live in my apartment (way too much) and they are so inconsiderate they won’t even spray the grass for fleas and it’s so bad that when I go out into my yard to let me dog urinate and come right back inside I have them all over my legs (14 fleas one time on both legs). I have noticed them in my dog’s water bowl 2 times; I immediately cleaned it. Btw it’s always clean. Anyhoo I was drinking something out of a glass yesterday and felt something go down my throat with the drink and I’m worried now. ha ha.1. Can a human get worms from swallowing a flea?2. What can you do when you’ve asked the apartment complex to spray for fleas and they don’t? Other people have complained and they are BAD. Thanks.
A: People and pets don’t get worms from swallowing fleas. They get them by swallowing worm eggs or cysts containing worm larvae. Eggs are spread fecal-orally, via poop particles in dirt. Larval cysts are usually found in undercooked contaminated meat. For what it’s worth, this is not a huge problem in the US and most of the industrialized world. The vast majority of the tapeworm cases I have dealt with were in immigrants.With that said, your real problem is with fleas. You can call your local environmental health department and complain about the fleas around your complex. However that may not be enough to warrant action on their part. It should be, though, since fleas can carry the plague. Still, it is worth a shot. In the meantime, make sure your dog’s flea collar is replaced on a regular basis.As for the water glass, I don’t think that’s a problem.
Why are two worms formed when you cut one?
Q: So, why aren’t two humans formed when you cut one, or two ants formed when you cut one? Has it got something to do with the cells, or it is merely a form of unknown mechanism in worms and annelids? If so, what is this mechanism known as? Can cloning of human cells enable us to split into two different persons when cut? Please provide a scientific answer ( may not be comprehensive, but scientific) if you know the answer. Once again, thanks for your help in this matter.
A: This is a common misconception. Worms have both male & female reproductive systems but if you cut a worm in two, both sides usually die.
How do you know if you have parasite worms and how to remove them in humans?
Q: Im going to try to describe this the best way I can so you might know what im talking about or what might be the problem. For the last 4 years almost all day everyday I’ll eat, it could be small or large meal and an hour later, im starving again. If I don’t eat I get cranky and hunger pains. It feels like whatever I in take, something just eats it away. If I wait it out, the hunger pains feel like something is eating my stomach. It has bothered me for awhile. No one I have met has this problem. This past week has been the worse. Here’s the tricky part about my issue that its hard to explain or for you to get. When I do eat, I get full but my stomach fills empty with the hunger pains. Confusing, huh? Please help. Im struggling right now and I can’t afford to see a doctor but would be interested in knowing what the best cleanser is or a solution to cure this irritating problem I have. I have been researching on parasites and wow!
A: http://www.parasitecleanse.com/parasites.htmhttp://www.parasitedirectory.com/Results.aspx?query=Parasites&sessionid=5ipadd2kgriyzcyigpgmtm45&cc=us&ns=1&eas=09UpbcY7ZuCtVztq4GAWUQ..
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