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What What does cervical cancer cause

Health related question in topics Cervical Cancer .We found some answers as below for this question “What What does cervical cancer cause”,you can compare them.

A:Abnormal vaginal bleeding Increased vaginal discharge Pelvic pain Pain during sexual intercourse [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-what-does-cervical-cancer-cause ]
More Answers to “What What does cervical cancer cause
What can cervical cancer be caused by
The cause of cervical cancer is unknown, but medical history and sexual habits effect the chances of developing cervical cancer.
What causes cervical cancer?
Cervical Cancer is primarily caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is sexually transmitted. HPV vaccines are available to help prevent development of the viral infection. Look here for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
How does HPV cause cervical cancer?
HPV can cause normal cells on your cervix to turn abnormal. Most of the time, HPV goes away on its own. When HPV goes away, your cervical cells go back to normal. But if HPV lingers for many years, these abnormal cells can turn into cancer.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

WHY does cervical cancer cause irregular bleeding?
Q: Why does cervical cancer cause post-coital bleeding, or even irregular bleeding at all? What is it that actually cause the irregular bleeding? Is the bleeding that is associated with cervical cancer usually bright red? ThanksCan someone please answer me!?
A: The bleeding is bright red, because it’s fresh blood, directly from your veins. This is different from menstrual bleeding, which consists of old, decaying uterine lining, so is dark and clotted. It’s caused because the cancerous part of your cervix is irritated and fragile, so it is easily aggravated. Normal, healthy tissue stretches and can move. But diseased, canceorus tissue doesn’t do that, but is a much more chaotic mass of material. Also, cancerous material is growing and creating new blood vessels to support its growth, so it is very rich in blood vessels.
What does HPV do besides cause cervical cancer?
Q: Besides the warts, and cervical cancer, does it still show up and cause cancer in other parts of the body? How can one help their immune system to fight it off as there is no cure for it? I am aware that there are vaccines, that is not going to help someone that already has it. If you have any knowledge, please share it with me. I am not able to get much from physicians, physicians assistants, nurses or the internet. I really am looking for some answers, not just to be put off with politician answers. And for the record, there has been no sexual activity for 3 years.
A: There are over 60 different genetic types of HPV, and most of them are only associated with cutaneous lesions and benign growths — like common and plantar warts. To my knowledge, only genital infections have been directly linked to carcinoma. I’m not an expert on the different serotypes of HPV, but I do know that people who suffer from common warts don’t suddenly develop a genital infection, or vice versa. So you don’t have to worry about your genital HPV spreading to other parts of your body. Once you’ve contracted the virus, there’s nothing that you can do to get rid of it, but you’re on the right path by wanting to boost up your immune system. Make sure that you get plenty of Vitamin C and Zinc, both help to maintain your body’s defense system. You’ll probably notice that you’re more likely to suffer an outbreak after you’ve been sick — just like people who have the Herpes virus. Oh, and maintain a regular sleep cycle — your body can’t fight as well when its tired.Make sure that you get regular pap smears. Your GYN might want to see you more than once a year, depending on how your previous paps look. The most important thing you can do is to stay regular on your checkups. And you don’t HAVE to abstain from sexual intercourse, unless that’s just a choice you’ve made for your life right now. Condoms work wonders.
Does the HPV virus always cause cervical cancer or any other cancer?
Q: Or is it just certain cases or… what?I have a wart on my finger… this virus that causes it is called the HPV. does this mean i am likley to develop it?
A: No it doesn’t. Most sexually active people have HPV yet few have cervical cancer. HPV is only a risk factor for cervical cancer. It is also associated with some skin, anal/rectal, head and neck and penile cancers.
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