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What kind of regular medicine will put you to sleep

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Various OTC sleep aids are available in any pharmacy. Unisom, Sominex, Nytol, etc. Talk to your doctor before taking any OTC sleep aid if you’re currently taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) or did so as recently as two…MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-regular-medicine-will-put-you-to-sleep ]
More Answers to “What kind of regular medicine will put you to sleep
What kind of regular medicine will put you to sleep
Various OTC sleep aids are available in any pharmacy. Unisom, Sominex, Nytol, etc. Talk to your doctor before taking any OTC sleep aid if you’re currently taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) or did so as recently as two…

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If you have scoliosis and had a baby or know someone with scoliosis that had a baby please answer my question?
Q: I am 19 years old, 5’9″ tall and really thin (other than the baby bump :p), and I am currently almost 25 weeks pregnant with my first child, a girl. I have scoliosis, my spine is curved pretty much from the top to the bottom. My hips are out of line and go out of place like everyday, a few times each day, and that is because of the scoliosis. I have really bad back pain and hip pain everyday of my life and I have never even took anything for the pain (other than maybe 1 regular strength Tylenol about 1 time every couple months) because I don’t like to take medicine. I have had one doctor tell me that I will need to have a c-section and then yesterday a different doctor told me that I should be able to have the baby vaginally without problems. But neither one of these doctors looked at my back or saw any kind of information about how bad my scoliosis is… I was told to go to an orthopedist and to see what they say about it.So my questions are:If you have scoliosis, did you have your baby vaginally or by c-section?Did you have any problems?Did you get a spinal block or epidural and did it work?Do you think that I will have to have a c-section from what I have told you?Do you think I will be able to have a spinal block/epidural, or will I have to be put to sleep?
A: I have scoliosis and have had 2 children 14 months apart.While you may have more back aches than most people, I found it to be tolerable. Pregnancy #1, I worked full time as a nurse until 1 mo. before delivering. Pregnancy #2, I was chasing my younger baby around (just 14 mo. apart). Both pregnancies, my back never slowed me down. If you are in pain, treat it. Talk with the OB about taking Tylenol (almost all allow it) and heat vs. cold therapy (most will so ok to warm showers or baths, but NO hot tubs, and will ok cold packs to the back). These worked for me.Thinking ahead to labor & delivery: Depending on how far down your spine is affected and what degree of curvature it is, you may not be able to have a spinal (spinal is better for scoliosis and fusion than epidural). Anything below T12 is tricky, and you want someone with expertise in OB anesthesia. If you have been fused below T12 it may be impossible. Now that you’re getting to your due date get a referral to consult with the anesthesia group who covers where you’ll be having the baby. Take a letter from your spine doc detailing what her last spine x-ray showed. You may need to request a group discussion with an orthopedist, obstetrician, and the anesthesiologists. Sometimes specialists forget that there are other parts of your body. They will be able to determine whether to do it naturally or c-section based on the severity of your curves.I’m fused to T12 and didn’t want anyone touching my spine. I did it naturally, and requested general if I had to have an emergency C-section. First labor, 3 hrs. No back labor, no problems pushing. Second labor, 1 hr. Had back labor (but so can a non-scoliosis mom), but no problem pushing.
I need help! How can I help myself financially w/ a condition that hinders my life? (pls read detail)?
Q: I need to know how I can help myself financially because I have a condition that has prevented me from working and being reliable. Condition: Since I was 14 (now 27) I have had mitral valve prolapse, which isn’t too serious but in my case its noticeable and is a trigger for a domino effect symptoms. Mitral valve is when a valve in my heart pumps backwards and for me I feel a very hard pounding and sometimes it pumps a bit faster than normal which makes my breath hard to catch. This always triggers a response of my adrenal gland. The doctors told me that the heart prolapse triggers my adrenal gland to over produce adrenaline. This makes me very dizzy to where its very hard to focus and I can barely walk. I have had this happen in a car before and the dizziness impairs me from driving. Usually all of this causes me to have a migraine and then I’m not well for hours and sometimes days. Doctors recently told me that I should work around this because there is no pill that will make it go away. I have had all sorts of misdiagnosed medicines through the years because doctors did not know exactly what it was at first. I had cardiologists have me on Inderol and other palpitation medications. I had neurologists put me on Zoloft and every kind of anxiety type medication which I was taken off of because it didn’t seem to be helping for years. The whole “spell” that I like to call it usually happens as soon as I open my eyes in the morning but can happen throughout the whole day. It always happens when anything changes in my body. If I’m sick with the flu/cold or menstruating it happens even more. Doctors say its triggered when anything is off in my body. We have tried eating as soon as I wake up, different sleep patters, different diet, exercise and been tested to see if its low blood sugar. One thing I think could be related is my spine. I have sculiosis (curvature of the spine) and my back seems to be out a lot. Back and neck pain. I would go to a chiropractor but I do not have the finances to do so. I am a very hard worker and have had experience as a personal assistant & sales & am currently a piano teacher with less than a handful of students. I like to think I am reliable because I want to work but my condition makes it impossible to get to work sometimes. This has caused a vicious cycle of me being the perfect worker until I have had too many sick days and I end up finding something else because it is unfair to my employer who needs someone to work. Luckily I have never been fired over it but it has definitely put hinderances on my life, goals, and finances. At the moment I have less than $10 & no proper clothing but my poor fiance is helping with food. My car payment is on hold and my parents are unable to help me in any way. I am in the process of trying to find a legit home job where I can make regular money like $200-300 a week. Its hard to find a legit home based job that you do not have to invest in. I just found out there are virtual assistants that work from home though. I am looking into it but even though I’m in Los Angeles its a hard position to come by. A couple of years ago I applied for disability and got rejected because I didn’t have recent pay stubs. A lot of my jobs were personal assistant jobs so I didn’t have record of work. I have record now but I’m unsure if I would qualify. The regulation I believe is that you need to report the disability as it happens, so since mine started so long ago I’m not sure I can be accepted because I have worked with my condition. My doctor records are from years ago so I’m not sure if I would have to have new ones. I do not have health insurance at this time. So I am asking what government programs, benefits would I qualify for? What should I do? If anyone has any thoughts, ideas, questions or comments please share them. I need help! Thank you for reading through this. Peace & energyAmy
A: Hi Amy. I am disabled also, with Rheumatoid Arthritis & Coronary Artery Disease. I just had a quadruple bypass two months ago. If you want to work from home, there is a site that lists prescreened jobs. I found this site through the government’s website for the disabled. It’s called Rat Race Rebellion. http://www.ratracerebellion.com/This is the link to the Social Security Administration’s Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool.http://connections.govbenefits.gov/ssa_en.portal;jsessionid=wNcyJ3pJBvJXKt7BjB5Lnk6YJ5xMHntGX1SVt71T3qXh3bNgLBLv!6937436?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=gbcc_page_ccquestionnaire&_nfls=falseI was approved the first time I applied for disability, however, I am much older than you. I used an attorney. I did not have to pay anything upfront. The firm took their fee out of my benefits upon approval. I used the law firm of Binder & Binder. They were wonderful & answered my many questions, regardless of how many times I called them during the process.http://www.binderandbinder.com/I wish you all the luck in the world. I can surely sympathize with your heart problems. God bless!
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