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What is the percent of women that are pregnant an still have there periods

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A:Early pregnancy bleeding is common and can vary from slight spotting to vaginal bleeding consistent with a menstrual cycle. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-percent-of-women-that-are-pregnant-an-still-have-there-periods ]
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What is the percent of women that are pregnant an still have ther…?
Early pregnancy bleeding is common and can vary from slight spotting to vaginal bleeding consistent with a menstrual cycle.

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Did anyone here get pregnant a few days before their period was due?
Q: If so, please tell me, because I’m really interested: Did you still have a period of some kind that same month, whether it be normal or otherwise, or at least what you thought might have been implantation bleeding? And how long did it last? Was it accompanied by any cramping in your stomach, similar to period cramps? And did you get another period again the following month, even though you were pregnant, or no period at all?Sorry for all these questions. I’ve been trying to get pregnant for such a long time, and now, like so many times before, I’m wondering if this could actually be it. My period almost always (like at least ninety-five percent of the time) comes between the 11th and 15th of every month, and typically lasts from five to seven days. It’s always quite heavy, and I have extremely painful menstrual cramps every single time that tend to begin about ten minutes before my period actually starts, and then they last continuously for one or two days. This month, it’s already the 23rd, and my period hasn’t come. So, I’m kind of wondering if I might be pregnant, because for about the past two weeks, both of my breasts have been very painful and tender to the touch. Especially the left one. But I don’t think this could be a false pregnancy symptom my mind has just made up, because I actually haven’t been giving the matter much thought – I want to get pregnant as soon as possible, but I’m not trying to stress out over it. Today, however, about an hour ago, I started getting extremely light cramps in my lower abdomen that are similar to how menstrual cramps feel – but nothing at all how the cramps accompanying my normal periods begin, because they never begin lightly and then slowly but steadily get worse and worse. With my normal periods, when they begin, I just suddenly get one single, excruciating cramp right out of the blue, and then it continues from there. When I went to the bathroom a couple of times in the last hour while these tiny cramps were going on, I noticed that I had some very, very light, pinkish spotting, only when I wiped myself. Do you think this could be implantation bleeding? I’ve heard that it is possible to get pregnant only a day or two before your period is due to begin. Doctors have even told me that before. They say that it’s always very possible, though with many women, the chances for them to get pregnant decrease during this time. What do you guys think? Has anyone experienced anything sounding like this before?
A: I dont have an answer for you, but I have the same question! I have not had my period but feel the same way you are about cramping all of the sudden and then nothing. I am a week late and I have taken a lot of tests that say neg. So if I did get pregnant right before my period would it have not come and now be to early to show positive on a test? Man I hope someone helps you and me!
Read this if you’re TTC…it’ll cheer you up…?
Q: Trying to Get Pregnant – Are You Trying Too Hard?Trying to conceive is supposed to be a natural process that is easy, at least, that is what people would lead you to think. Yet, if you have been trying to conceive for many months or even years, you may realize that having children does not come easily for everyone. In fact, each month, a woman has only a twenty to thirty percent chance of conceiving. Most women will conceive within a year of trying but a small percentage of women will still not conceive even after a year of diligently trying. this article continues below advertisement If you have been trying to conceive for any length of time you have probably been given advice from well-meaning or not-so-well-meaning friends or family. You have likely heard the suggestion that you need to relax and stop trying so hard. Maybe you were told something like this “I knew this couple that tried for years to get pregnant and as soon as they stopped trying, they got pregnant”. Or another common statement you might here is a story about someone who finally decided to adopt and then they turned up pregnant.Is there any truth to this? Does trying too hard really cut down your chances of conceiving? There has been much debate about the impact of stress on fertility. Some researchers believe that stress impacts fertility but it is not clear whether the infertility causes the stress or stress causes infertility. There is no question, that fertility issues can put a strain on any relationship. For a couple trying to conceive, the journey often starts out with enthusiasm and optimism. After several cycles of trying, this optimism may soon lead to despair and frustration.Although stress may have an impact on a couple’s fertility it is more likely that stress is the result of infertility not the cause. Most couples will conceive within a year of trying. For couples who do not conceive within a year or two of trying there is almost always a physical cause for their infertility. In fact, 90% of all infertility has an identifiable physical cause. Couples will want to be evaluated by a doctor if they have been trying for over a year and have not had success at conceiving. What about the stories of couples adopting and later becoming pregnant? Does fertility improve when you stop trying? This is simply not true. Although, it is not completely unheard of for a woman to get pregnant after adopting the statistics do not show any improvement in fertility. The percentage of women getting pregnant after adopting is about 5 percent, which is the same as women who have infertility and do not adopt. (source: www.resolve.org) Can you have too much sex? Does trying too hard cut down your chances of getting pregnant? Women only have a short period of time when they are fertile. Having sex frequently during this period of time will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Most experts recommend having sex at least every other day during a woman’s fertile period. It was once suggested that men with low sperm counts abstain from sex prior to ovulation to increase their sperm count. However, recent studies have not shown that abstaining improves sperm count. In fact In men with low sperm counts, the researchers found the volume of semen increased after prolonged abstinence, but the quality got gradually worse the longer the men held back.” (source:www.intelihealth.com) The bottom line is that there is no such thing as trying too hard. The difference between a couple that conceives when trying and a couple that does not is not based on how hard they try. Implying that relaxation or not trying increases your chances of getting pregnant, only alienates couples that are trying to conceive and adds to their frustration. Exactly how do you try less when you desperately want a baby? There are no penalties for trying too hard. If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for over a year consult your doctor for fertility treatment options. Trying or not trying hard enough does not cause infertility.
A: Thanks for sharing it with everyone TTC..goodluck!
If i said this following… where would it get me personally?
Q: “Oh, i wish all u preggos a great life and praise be to ur baby and you all have healthy babies and all of you deserve to be pregnant. and u are so great just because u were so fertile and ur all mothers….” for those who have grudges from long long ago… that’s called a phase for my past confussion. people change. i have. and guess what… not everybody deserves all the good they get. some of that is pure luck. and maybe they get pregnant to get a certain payback like dealing with the pain. i believe some deserve it and i would easily be friends with some. but just because u are a mom expecting or current doesn’t make u great to me. ok. it’s a thing hard to explain. but i am infertile and for me to be a mom is a slight chance of a miracle happening. so it’s hard to like other women who are moms. what’s so hard to understand about that. u are not a goddess if u are a mother. so consider this a sort of appology, the best i can and will do. accept it or take it elsewhere on ur own. i mean, the new mothers, i don’t know you so i’d like to get to know u as long as u are not boastful. the people who may think they remember me, that’s what this appology really is for. see u cannot like everybody and i’m not gonna think of u highly just because. i want to be a mother too but what would u do if it wasn’t happening to you? i need to explain myself better still… that was a past feeling. probably over 50 percent confussion and the rest anger. i didn’t mean it at all. but i can’t like u if i don’t know u that’s a fact. but i don’t have to like u just cuz ur a mom. and it’s hard to like u when i’m not one. and i know there’s bad mom’s out there. how do i know you aren’t? and what problem is that to u? lol.where would that even get me? would that change my fate in my life with being fertile, having children, missing a period?or when does it stop being all ur pure pleasure. cuz it’s a feeling like a starved beggar isn’t invited to the big fancy buffet dinner for no reason.the end sentence just like a weird put together metaphor…
A: I don’t know what to say, except I am very sorry.I think most of us, when we’re little, play with dolls and imagine being a mother.When you get older and realize your life plan didn’t go the way you wanted, there is always resentment and anger. You’re being denied your nature given right to produce offspring, the thing that we females were made for.Of course you’re going to feel anger at mothers who do not care for their children, when all you wish for is to feel that warm little body snuggled close to you, and that faint smell of milk and baby powder drifting on the air.Or, decorating a nursery and picking out baby names.My aunt wasn’t able to have any children at all, and ended up adopting.My mother had 5 miscarriages before she had me.Her cousin had 8 miscarriages but not before carrying two to term and having them stillborn. All I can say, is that millions of women are going through what you are now. Some are giving up. Others are looking into other options, like surrogate mothers, invitro, or adoption.Don’t feel bad for the anger you feel, do something about it.If you really want that baby, you’ll find a way.As a side note, if you don’t have enough money for surrogacy or invitro, you can be set up as a foster parent, and have a child that way.Good luck to you.
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