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What is the cure for nausea

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Saltine crackers, ginger ale, and taking a deep breath are a few ways of curing nausea. Or you can purchase something OTC. Thanks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cure-for-nausea ]
More Answers to “What is the cure for nausea
What is a cure for nausea
Clear fluids are easy for the stomach to absorb and include: water, sports drinks, clear broths, popsicles, and Jello. ChaCha!
How to cure nausea?
There are a number of easy ways to treat nausea. Let a cola go flat and drink it, the non-carbonated syrup has a way of cooling the stomach, put some grated ginger in your tea, or drink chamomile tea.
Can anyone recommend a fast-acting cure for nausea?
Peppermints. Mint tea.   Alternately, if the nausea if caused by heartburn or something you ate, plain crackers and some ginger ale also works.  Or try some over the counter meds like Tums, Alka-Seltzer, etc.

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A: The best things for treating nausea are peppermint and ginger. (Peppermint tea with a bit of fresh shredded ginger works really well.)For treating the underlying anxiety:Bach’s Rescue Remedy is always good to have on hand for attacks.Also the following nutrients are usually helpful:Multivitamin & mineral complexB-ComplexVitamin C(For nutritional balance and adrenal support)Calcium 2000 mg daily – a natural tranquilizerMagnesium 600 mg daily – relieves tension, spasms, ticsB-1 50mg 3 times daily – has a calming effect on the nerves.B-6 50mg 3 times daily – important in the production of certain brain chemicals.Zinc- 50 mg daily – can have a calming effectChromium Picolinate – 200 mcg. daily – Chromium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety.
How do I cure nausea/nervousness/panic attacks when I am at school?
Q: This has been carrying on for almost two years now. Every single day, I feel nauseous and sick to my stomach. I feel as if I am going to throw up. Doctors have said I am only backed up. This in which I believe, but something else is bothering me. The littlest thing in the back of my mind can trigger the ultimate nausea. This problem is RUINING my life. I can’t do anything I like to do anymore. I actually LIKE school. However, lately, they are thinking about kicking me out because I am too much of a pain. This pain, I can’t help. It’s stronger than me and its taking over. Nobody believes that I’m in pain either! Help! What can I do during school hours that’ll solve this nausea? I’ve missed too much school.
A: I acctually dropped out of school twice because of this problem. I would be on my way to school, almost there, then all the sudden i would get panic attacks that wouldnt go away until i turned around. I also was also in the nurses office all the time because of vomiting. i know where youre coming from. Nobody believed me either, everyone assumed i was just trying to get out of class or making up an exscuse to drop out.I know my problem wasnt the fact that i didnt like school, it was because i was afraid of failing, of not getting excepted. I was afraid of people judging me and talking about me behind my back. The problem was that there wasnt anyone who showed me anything else then kindness. There is a strong emotion doing this to you, it might not be the same as what caused me that kind of pain but its deffinately something you need to sit down and figure out. Whats a thought, that always triggers it? is there something you try not to think about when youre going through it?If this is something that you cant answer yourself then you need to find a counslor or a pyschiatrist soon. I wish with all my heart that i had figured out what was wrong with me before i dropped out, would have saved alot of future heartache. If you ever want somebody to talk to about this please feel free to email me at [email protected] Its not an easy thing to go through, esspecially when nobody believes you.
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