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What if I already tried any other suggestions

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Mouth wash, vanilla extract, or placing a dry tea bag on the sore tooth will help ease the pain of a toothache. OTC medications like Advil and Motrin work well. Orajel or Anbisol will also help. Ask away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i-already-tried-any-other-suggestions ]
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What if I already tried any other suggestions
Mouth wash, vanilla extract, or placing a dry tea bag on the sore tooth will help ease the pain of a toothache. OTC medications like Advil and Motrin work well. Orajel or Anbisol will also help. Ask away!

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I need help integrating a cat into a new home that already has 2 other cats. Any suggestions?
Q: I have a 10 yr old male neutered cat that I adopted about 3 months ago from the Humane Society. When I adopted him, I lived by myself with no other animals. It took him about a day to adjust to my home and maybe 2 to be completely comfortable with me (letting me rub his belly and sleeping on me). He was very friendly and would come out to greet any of my friends that would come over.I just moved into a 3 bedroom house. I now have a roommate who has 2 cats, 1 male, 1 female. Both have been fixed. The first day I moved in, my cat hid under my bed until around midnight. The second day, he ventured outside of my room. The third day, he even went downstairs. However, since then he has not left my bedroom. It’s only been 10 days since I moved in and I know it will take some time, but he seems to be getting progressively worse and I’m afraid he may not adjust. He’s started hyperventilating if one of my roommate’s cats gets into my bedroom. A vet suggested short controlled exposure to the other cats so I tried to bring my cat into the living room. I was going to hold him while my roommate held one of her cats in the same room. When I tried to pick him up, he started growling and hissing, then hyperventilating. Then next day, we tried bringing one of her cats into my room. Again he had a breathing attack. He has also started becoming aggressive toward me.He seems very unhappy and I don’t know what to do for him. As of right now, I have both his food and litterbox in my bedroom, a situation that’s not ideal for either one of us.I love my cat and cannot get rid of him. Any suggestions on anything I can do to integrate him into the household would be greatly appreciated.
A: Unfortunately, you will mostly have to let them work it out on their own. But one thing you could try is something I have done. Whenever possible I give them treats together so that they can see that when they are together there is a positive result.You should also remember that your cat will feel your stress over the situation and some of his behavior will reflect that. The more you relax, the more he will. But it will take time and that can mean months.We got a lovely year and a half old neutered tom a year ago and he adjusted beautifully. A couple of months later, a stray showed up at our house and they’ve only just finally gotten over it. They still occasionally chase through the house but the hissing and spitting have finally stopped and they can be in each others’ company peacefully.
Any suggestions?
Q: Well my 16 month old daughter got her little hands on a ball point pen & colored on the face of a Cabbage Patch Doll, which was my very first one that I got when I was 8. These things happen, and I’ve already asked in the cleaning/laundry section. I have tried to take it off with nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol & hairspray. So far nothing has worked, it’s still very much there but not AS dark as it originally was.I was wondering if any other mom’s or dad’s out there would have any other suggestions to try? Or have you had something like this happen? What did you do?I have a teen and a grade schooler in the house as well, so keeping pens and pencils out of her way is next to impossible. This time she was just sneaky, but usually I am able to catch her.And yes, I have given her the doll already. It was made to be loved anyway. I just wanted to see if I could remove the pen somehow. But at the very least I will have a funny story to share with her when she is older. 🙂 Thanks everyone!!Btw… She has crayons, those have to be watched equally as much, and she is banned from any kind of markers, lol, except those color wonder markers 😉
A: Hairspray would have been my only suggestion. I’ve had the same problem but on my walls..I’ve tried about everything and the only thing that “lightened” it up was hairspray…you could try the mr. clean magic eraser…but I doubt it will help.
Any ideas for an 18 year old male high school drop out to make money?
Q: I’ve already tried the following:1. McDonald’s – I didn’t like it because the customers are rude and the pay was not worth it.2. Data Entry – Too repetitive and mind numbing3. Mystery shopping – I gave my contact info., but was never called back.4. Envelope stuffing – It was a scam.5. Movie extra – Awful, spent most days standing around doing nothing to get paid very little. 6. Amateur porno flicks – Didn’t pay enough for some of the stuff I had to do with the guys and gals.7. Online surveys – like data entry, too repetitive and didn’t pay enoughI’ve asked some of my friends in real life and these were some of their suggestions but I haven’t done them yet. Please let me know if you have done any of these jobs and what were the pros and cons about them. Also, let me know of other suggestions I can try out.1. Donate sperm – I don’t feel comfortable years from now if a bunch of kids want to meet their ‘father’2. Prostitution – I believe it may be legal in my state (Nevada), but I’m not sure if there is any demand at all for 18 year old male prostitutes? Also, I’m not sure how much money I can make from it.3. Waiter – I don’t really want to deal with customers.4. Janitor – Sounds okay, but anyone know the pay?5. Any other suggestions?
A: What do you want to do? Go back to school so you can do that…or else try stocking shelves at Walmart, Target, or the grocery store. Picking up dog sh*t from people’s yards, dog walking, migrant field work picking fruit, selling tickets at a movie theater, ditch digging…Male prostitutes generally have a male clientele. Janitors make anywhere from 7-14$/hour depending on where you live…Gooood luck!
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