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What does ring worm look like and what causes it

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Ringworm will appear on the skin as a ring-shaped rash and will look crusted over. Ringworm can be treated with OTC fungi creams. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-ring-worm-look-like-and-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What does ring worm look like and what causes it
What does ring worm look like and what causes it
Ringworm will appear on the skin as a ring-shaped rash and will look crusted over. Ringworm can be treated with OTC fungi creams.

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A: It sounds a lot like eczema. I have them sometimes, too. People are born with it, and there isn’t a way to get rid of it forever. But don’t worry, if it’s eczema, the spots will go away sooner or later. Just don’t scratch them and try to avoid touching them a lot, or they might spread to other parts of the body, too.If I were you, I’d ask my doctor about it, though. Just incase. And they can recommend the most suitable creams/treatment for it!(= Hope this helped.
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A: hives can be caused from medications what type of sunscreen are you using =it could be the culprit=you could even be allergic to the sun
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A: Cold sores are caused by an oral infection called oral herpes, which is why you most likely got automatically directed to the std section. Most people get cold sores during child hood by innocently kissing or being kissed by some one that has cold sores. Cold sores are also very common to have 50-80 percent of the population has them on the mouth. You can’t get herpes from a mat, herpes doesn’t last for more then seconds on surfaces of objects. It comes from skin to skin contact like kissing. You also don’t get cold sores from biting your own lips.Cold sores usually have some itching, burning or tingling symptoms involved. You may not get all of the symptoms, some times out breaks can be very mild. If this is a cold sore you may want to wait a few more days before you go to practice, and it’s embarrassing but you should talk to your coach as to why your not going to practice. Cold sores are very contagious while there are any signs of an out break. If you happen to bite some one while you’re wrestling then you could pass your cold sores onto where you bit the person.You can place this question in what ever category you like next time, for example try the “skin conditions” category
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