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What brand of antacid

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What brand of antacid”,you can compare them.

There are many brands of OTC Antacid’s like Prilosec OTC, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer are some of the known ones. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-brand-of-antacid ]
More Answers to “What brand of antacid
What brand of antacid
There are many brands of OTC Antacid’s like Prilosec OTC, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer are some of the known ones. ChaCha!
Which is the most effective brand of antacid? TUMS, ROLAIDS, GAVI…?
It all depends on the person taking it. Chemistry shows that one brand is more effective than another but each person has different environments inside. One man over at the restaurant can have more stomach acid than another man at an ice cr…
How do I calculate the amount of acid a certain brand of antacid …?
Find the number of moles of acid by the formula: Moles of acid = liters of acid X Molarity of acid If you use a monoprotic acid (one hydrogen per mole), the number of hydrogen ions will equal the number of moles that the antacid neutralizes…

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Q: its for a science lab, i need 5 well known antacid brands that have varying active ingredients? i alreayd have tums, rolaids, alka’seltzer, and maalox, i just need one more. they need to come in chewable tablets that are preferably white otherwise they interfere with experimental data… i was thinking of pepcid AC but its so expensive….. any ideas????? please help!
A: Gaviscon
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A: i would pick this: Many people buy antacid tablets but do they know which brand is the most cost effective? In my research I will present to you an antacid tablet brand that is the most cost effective and will relieve……….you finish the rest lol
What does an antacid do?
Q: Gets rid of acid right? What does it feel like to have acid. By the way will this help prevent stomach grumbling?—>Rolaids is a brand of antacid produced by Pfizer. It was invented by American chemist Irvine W. Grote in the late 1920s. The name is derived from their original packaging that came in a foil roll.
A: Too much acid would burn and be very uncomfortable. The antiacid simply neutralizes the acid.
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