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Is it possible to have a period like blood every month while your pregnant

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A:Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not a period, but an indicator of something gone wrong. Please see your Dr. for proper diagnosis. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-possible-to-have-a-period-like-blood-every-month-while-your-pregnant ]
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Is it possible to have a period like blood every month while your…?
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not a period, but an indicator of something gone wrong. Please see your Dr. for proper diagnosis.

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Is this Normal to have your Period 5w3days post par tum & breastfeeding, massive headaches feeling sick!?
Q: asking this in both categories, preg n newborn, Not sure which will get more answers! please let me know moms! (and my doctors apt isnt for another 2 weeks ( puts me past 7 weeks post par tum) and i dont want too make an apt with my family doctor and look riddiculous and him just telling me i have my period, unless theres more reason too be im asking here first.okay so i just had my son, 5 weeks & 3 days ago. Ive read that breastfeeding mothers shouldn’t get there period until 8 weeks and can take as long as 18months. i didn’t think I would Take more then 2-3 months because ive always thought i was extremely fertile. (i got pregnant while on birth control).Ive been feeling horrible for the last week at least, migraines every day, feeling sick but not getting sick, and craving tons of sugar (junk) foods kind of food. well Just a little while ago after going the bathroom There was blood when i wiped… How IN the world is it possible too have my period already?? My bleeding stopped 2 weeks after delivery, and the lochia stopped 3 weeks and maybe a day or so… Ive read bleeding after lochia can be very dangerous and call your doctor. Is this my period? I mean is it possible Or is something wrong? The craving food thing, i normally do when not eating properly(not enough food) which ive been doing lately, due to the migraines, and not feeling well.Should I be calling my doctor?? I know i need too wait too see if i bleed through a pad etc, but these feel like period symptoms. First time mom, and Ive been told by friends that breast feed that they didn’t even get there period, and ones that didn’t breast feed didn’t get theres until 6 weeks maybe a little longer… ? Should I be worried?No i agree, I think im almost disappointed I was expecting at least 2 months before getting it that what EVERY literature Ive read and doctor even said!
A: Everyone is different. It’s probably best to check with your doctor, but as long as it isn’t smelly or painful it is probably just a period. Sometimes periods return earlier because of using a pacifier and not feeding on demand, but not all the time, it could just be your hormones. That shouldn’t be your only incentive to breastfeed tho, even with your period, it really is the best thing for your baby, you will be giving him so many benefits from the breastmilk. So don’t be disappointed, be proud… and a bit annoyed! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water too, and you need to eat carbohydrates, breastfeeding will take extra out of you so you need to take that into account with your diet.
Having or Stimulating a period/Menstruation or bleeding after sex?
Q: I asked a similar question not too long ago. Here is my medical profile. I don’t have STD, I am not taking any pills, I am in my mid 20’sI do however have irregular periods which I may get them every 2-3 months at a time.I am in my mid 20’s, no kids, not pregnant.Just 2 days ago I started having sex with my new BF. I have been sexually active for 2 years now and has never experienced any bleeding from my past boyfriends. My new BF is more well endowed and we did engaged in very rough sex which we just started 2 days ago and only 2 days ago. Also we did used condoms for protection. And yes there was use of lubricationThere was no pain after we had sex except for the morning session in which I was dry and asked him to stop before we could completely go through with it. 5 hours after we parted I noticed some slight bleeding as i cleaned up myself. later on that night my panty liner was stained and I switched to wearing a pad.I browsed through the internet about bleeding after sex. They say rough sex can cause this but should not last more than a day.There is no pain, but do do feel a bit bloated and some light abdominal pressure similar when you get a period. I feel no burning or itching sensation at my vagina as well, but I feel similar to having a period.The blood is not pink but red, or deep red, with small clots from time to time. I dont feel dizzy either or nauseous. And yes there is a lot of blood similar to like having your first or 2nd day of having a period.I contacted a doctor who told me to monitor myself for the next 6 days. If the vaginal bleeding was cause by rough sex, he informed me that I just might have a tear and needs to not have sex for a while till it heals. I am still bleeding as of now.My friend also said that the sexual stimulation may cause to trigger a menstruation. I would like to know if this is possible for some one like me who have an irregular period? Or if this is caused by rough sex how long does this take before it stops?
A: yeah it sounds like your friend is right because whenever i masturbate or have sex it can onset my period very quickly and if yours are irregular it is probably that.
Period 5w3days post partum & breastfeeding, massive headaches, Is this normal?
Q: okay so i just had my son, 5 weeks & 3 days ago. Ive read that breastfeeding mothers shoudlnt get there period until 8 weeks and can take as long as 18months. i didnt think I would Take more then 2-3 months because ive always thought i was extremely fertile. (i got pregnant while on birth control). Ive been feeling horrible for the last week at least, migraines every day, feeling sick but not getting sick, and craving tons of sugar (junk) foods kind of food. well Just a little while ago after going the bathroom There was blood when i wiped… How IN the world is it possible too have my period already?? My bleeding stopped 2 weeks after delivery, and the lochia stopped 3 weeks and maybe a day or so… Ive read bleeding after lochia can be very dangerous and call your doctor. Is this my period? I mean is it possible Or is something wrong? The craving food thing, i normally do when not eating properly(not enough food) which ive been doing lately, due to the migraines, and not feeling well. Should I be calling my doctor?? I know i need too wait too see if i bleed through a pad ect, but these feel like period symptoms. First time mom, and Ive been told by friends that breast feed that they didnt even get there period, and ones that didnt breast feed didnt get theres until 6 weeks maybe a little longer… ? Should I be worried?
A: Yes.
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