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How does a women know when she has a miscarriage at 5 months does she bleed

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A:Vaginal bleeding is a symptom of a miscarriage. If you have any concerns, you should talk to a doctor. ChaCHa. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-does-a-women-know-when-she-has-a-miscarriage-at-5-months-does-she-bleed ]
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How does a women know when she has a miscarriage at 5 months does…?
Vaginal bleeding is a symptom of a miscarriage. If you have any concerns, you should talk to a doctor. ChaCHa.

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Q: Ok i have two questions about pregnancy and miscarriages.As a mother of 4 angel babies i am finding it hard to understand a few things.When a woman is being told she is miscarrying, dont they have to do an u/s to check that everything is gone?First time round i was carrying twins, at 10 weeks i was told i had miscarried, did the scan but didnt pick up the twin, then i lost the twin at 14-15 weeks, no u/s after that. ( I didnt find out i was pregnant witht the twins tilli was 8 weeks as i was still bleeding each month.Second pregnancy, told i was miscarrying at 5 weeks, said my hcg was too low, didnt even tell me the hcg level and no u/s. With this pregnancy i started bleeding the day i was due on my period. It lasted 3 days.So with 3 lost angels, i changed hospitals and went to the 2nd best miscarriage consultant in my area. I was told id be high risk and they’d do everything to help.So my third pregnancy (4th baby).. i go in with bleeding and small cramps and get told i am miscarrying. I was 4.5- 5 weeks. Once again no u/s and everytime no one offered a d and c.How can they know for sure if i am actually miscarrying??? They did no blood work the last time either…also how far do you have to be till they see anything on the u/s.The reason i ask this after my fouth loss is because i was told i was miscarrying at the end of august 09. I mourned the loss like all the others but i still feel pregnant. Its strange. My stomach is harder but still soft at times. I feel flutter like twinges when i am relaxed, recently been getting alot of gas, back ache, mood swings, headaches, cramps, sickness and weight gain.I have had bleeding every month but only 2 or 3 days (my periods are normally 5-6 days and really heavy with bad cramps). My mum bled every month throughout her pregnancies with my brother and i so i know that can happen.I just cant believe i havent been offered any ultra sounds…what do you think about the chances they may have got it wrong. I feel like i am going mad.I will be trying a HPT at the weekend. I would be so embarassed to tellmy consultant i think i amstill pregnant to find out im not. I also know i havent got pregnant again since as i concieve through artificial insemination and havent done it again since i was told id loss the baby.Has anyone ever heard of anything like this or had it happen to them. xxxThank you Kristen, i went to that site and read the story, it gave me a little more hope. I think i may get an u/s booked as well just to be on the safe side, im hoping they dont turn me downfor one as that has happened before 🙂
A: I am so sorry for your losses! It’s really hard losing a baby. My own mum had many miscarriages and I know those angel babies are still with her today, just as yours are with you.I think the best thing for you to do at this point is to take the HPT over the weekend. That way you’ll know. Since you supposedly miscarried at the end of August, a HPT would not still be positive from that, and if it turns positive you should let your consultant know. I think it’s especially important to take one since you know your mum bled monthly through her pregnancies!Even if the test is negative you might ask for a ultrasound just to make sure there are no complications from the last loss, and so you’ll know you can prepare to try again when you’re ready to.I have heard of a couple of instances of a women being told she was miscarrying only to carry the babe to term. You can read one mum’s story about it here: http://www.naturalbirthandbabycare.com/risks-of-medical-intervention-during-pregnancy.html
Light periods only lasting 2-3 days is this considered normal?
Q: First let me say that my cycles have always been pretty light from the time I had my first cycle and throughout the first years, my cycles were only 2-3 days long. Then, as an older teen they would probably last 4-5 days, but Id really have a period for 2-3 days and then brown spotting for the remaining days (sometimes through day 7 with the brown stuff). Now that Im older and TTC I have been watching my cycles more. After 4 miscarriages in 6 years of time, I was diagnosed w/ PCOS (they finally did an ultrasound and saw too many cycts — prior all blood tests were normal so they never had explanations). I dont have hormone or insulin issues w/ my pcos as dr’s have checked frequently and ruled that out but I have had 1 cyst in my entire life and I have way more follicles on my ovaries than Im supposed to (10 on right, 15 on left on any given month). Unlike many with PCOS, I DO ovulate every month (or at least every month Ive had blood tests to see if Ive ovulated and they have checked up to 4 mos. in a row at a time), I guess my question is… is it normal for some women to have 1 day of medium bleeding (I say medium because its not light but not what I would consider heavy) and then tapper off to almost nothing by the end of the 2nd day? Ive had my progesterone tested and its within normal range (though Im now on a suppliment for precautionary measures in case I get pregnant again) and I have had my lining looked at the day before a period, which it was 8, and the dr. said I need at least 10, but 10 would show closer to time of ovulation and mine would be considered within range for being so close to my period about to start. I guess Im just curious why 1 women might have the same lining built up but will bleed heavier and for longer vs. my cycles. And, do my light shorter cycles, even though we know I ovulate, have any thing to do w/ potential miscarriages??? Im just confused. I always hear other women complaining about their cycles. I know when mines going to happen (within 2 days of it happening) but they arent bad and I really never have PMS cramps past the first day and rarely ever take so much as a tylenol even on the first day to curb the cramping because its not very painful most times either. Any help is appreciated. Serious answers only please. PS: Mom birthmom and I dont have contact so I dont know how her cycles were but I do know she had a lot of children naturally.
A: Wow. I have to applaud you for being so intuned of your body. You know a lot of what is going on already. I will tell you I am having trouble TTC, and my periods are about what you described. I think they are related, but I have to wait a couple more days to have my scans done. Good luck to us both.
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