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How do you get rid of dark under eyes

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To get rid of under eye circles, you first need to find out the cause.OTC products may help diminish dark circles under eyes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-rid-of-dark-under-eyes ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of dark under eyes
Sleep! And yes, makeup CAN help, but do not just use concealer and foundation etc. This will just deepen the dark circles. You want to go for something like Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat. This uses particles in the concealer/foundation to…
Consult with a cosmetician at your local drugstore or mall for product suggestions, they can however be expensive and do not always work, they can also recommend concealers and foundations which might help disguise the problem, home remedie…
To get rid of under eye circles, you first need to find out the cause.OTC products may help diminish dark circles under eyes.

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Q: how do you get rid of dark blue circles under your eyes?
A: Conclear If you don’t have time :)but If you do then Apply cool tea bags, an ice cube wrapped in soft cloth, or cucumber slices to your eyes daily, wash face with cold water 🙂
How do you get rid of dark circles under your eyes?
Q: I’ve had dark circles under my eyes for a long time (i think it’s a genetic thing) but now they’re really bad. Most days they’re so purple it looks like I have bruises under my eyes. And sometimes people even ask me if I have a black eye. Can anyone help????
A: How to get rid of Dark Circles Dark circles under eyes are very common. Almost everybody goes through the sad saga of under eye dark circles. It has been a simple fact of everyday life today. There are several treatments that can be rather effective like:•Cucumber •Almond oil •Shades •Tea bag •Rose water To know how these treatments have to work upon check http://www.medimanage.com/my-looks/articles/how-to-get-rid-of-dark-circles.aspx
How do you get rid of dark patches under eyes?
Q: I have dark patches under my eyes. How do you get rid of them? Is it just about consistently getting enough sleep, or are there nutrients that I am lacking?
A: The dark patches under your eyes could be inherited from your parents or, if you have a pale complexion, could look darker by comparison.Certainly fatigue can have this affect, but you can be reassured if your sleep pattern is adequate and your activity during the day unaffected.But if those close to you suggest that you are slowing down and behaving as if your sleep is insufficient then a visit to your GP would be wise.
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