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How do you get rid of a stye quickly

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There are many OTC stye remedies you can try. See your local pharmacist and they will point you in the right direction. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-rid-of-a-stye-quickly ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a stye quickly
How do you get rid of a stye quickly
There are many OTC stye remedies you can try. See your local pharmacist and they will point you in the right direction.
How do get rid of a stye quickly?
soak with a tea bag. often. not scalding but warm. squeez out excess water. no joke, it does good.
How do i get rid of a stye in my eye quickly??
There really is no safe way to get rid of it quickly. However, you can help your body along. Warm compresses to the eye, about 10 to 20 minutes every 4 to 6 hours, will speed up the body’s ability to heal. Eventually, it will mature and bur…

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How do you get rid of a stie/stye?
Q: I have a huge swollen stye/stie on my uper eyelid. Any wya to get rid of them??? QUICKLY???? Becasue i have to go to school tomorrowDoes Neosprin work or toothpaste. What about poping it with like a needle what about tht.
A: My daughter had one recently. I called the opthomologist and he told me:1. Warm compresses several times a day. I told her every hour on the hour. (She felt MUCH better the next day, and i think it was because of the warm compresses.)2. He gave her an opthalmic antibiotic cream to put on. (She did, but i still think the compresses were more important.)3. He said if her eye swells up, to see him immediately. (It didn’t happen.)If yours is that large and swollen, I would tell you to go to the eye doctor. Until you can get there, do the compresses thing. Feel better.
How do quickly cure an eye stye ?
Q: I have an eye stye. It’s not okay, lol. I go back to school tomorrow after Christmas break and i get to go back w/ an weird looking eye. How do you cure an eye stye? Is there anyway i can get rid of it quickly? I’ve had it since Friday. So 3 days. Does vaseline help? Please tell me ANYTHING that will work. I really want it gone.
A: Vaseline won’t help. Keep putting warm compresses on your eye for 10 minutes several times a day. They usually drain on their own in 3-5 days. If not, see an eye doctor.
How do I quickly remove a stye?
Q: I have a stye on the bottom inside eyelid and one on the top. I have a date tomorrow so I need to get rid of it quickly! any help I would greatly appreceate. Thank YOu
A: Believe me just don’t touch it. If you do this it will disappear in one day.
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