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How do you get off warts

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You could try OTC medicines like Compound W. Or soak a cotton ball in vinegar and tape it to your wart with a bandage for MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-off-warts ]
More Answers to “How do you get off warts
How do you get off warts
You could try OTC medicines like Compound W. Or soak a cotton ball in vinegar and tape it to your wart with a bandage for MORE?
What is good to get rid off warts?
Well, the most common thing, and most powerful thing you can do is go to the doctor about them. He can either burn them off, or freeze them off. If you don’t like the idea of a doctor though, you can try this…it might sound weird, but it …
How do i get rid off warts on the hands?
If you keep rubbing them with vinegar eventually they will turn black, shrivel up and die.

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any explinations on how to get warts off my hand plz take time to read the qeustion?
Q: i have two pretty good size warts… and a couple of small ones that are continully starting to spread the biggest one ive had almost 3 yrs now and ive tried alot of things…. ive tried cutting it off…. which it came back bigger… i did that two times… and ive tried going to the doctor about it and he said the cheapist way to do it put tape over it and keep it moist and it will eventully fall of but i the biggest one is right on top of my knuckle and it is really a hard place to kep moist and its really ambarising to me so if anyone reads this would you have any tips to help get them off b4 i start high school in 3 weeks
A: Yes, I know the perfect cure for you. Warts are nasty ones because if you irritate them, they can spread within 48 hours. Dont’ do that again. Moiturizers wont’ help either. Try to go to a botanical garden or and look for a fresh plant of Papaveraceae. The latin name is: Chelidonium majus Linne or Chelidonium majus var. majus. It’s really works wonders. I don’t know the English name, but if you doo Google images, search this hungarian word: verehullo fecskefu. It’s a yellow flower. Pay attention to the leaf, that is more characteristic. It’s a very common flower in Europe, grows wild in the dark corners of the gardens. If you take the latin name, you can search even further. If you find the plant, it’s not the flower which is helping you, it’s the shaft. Cut it in half, and you will see white-yellow dropps coming out from the pith, put those drops in your wart. Then take a piece of plant shaft, put it in a piece of nylon, cut it in small pieces, so that you can have more juice out of it, wrap that around your body part with the wart and put bandage to fix it. Leave it for 48 hours. If the wart doesn’t disappear, repeat the exercise. Within a week it will go away trust me.
i have a question about cryotherapy ( freezing off warts )………?
Q: is it normal to have a little discharge after you recieve you get it done? and when will the red marks go away, how long? please help if you can , thx
A: No problem at all I think this article can help you:CRYOTHERAPY WART REMOVALGENERAL INFORMATION:What is it? Cryotherapy (cry-o-thair-uh-p) is when warts are removed by freezing them. The freezing of the wart kills the skin cells so they cannot grow and spread. Cryotherapy is a common way of removing warts. After the skin is frozen, a blister forms in 3 to 6 hours. The blister usually flattens in 2 to 3 days. The dead skin of the blister then falls off in 2 to 4 weeks. New skin is already growing in the area within 72 hours of freezing the skin. Warts frozen on the hands and feet usually hurt more than those frozen on other body parts. Eyelids, lips, and ears may also hurt more when the skin is frozen.Why do you need it? You usually do not have to treat warts unless you want to. Warts can be treated with either cryotherapy or medicine. Laser surgery is also available to treat warts. If one type of care does not get rid of warts, the other may.During Your Wart Removal: * Your wart and the skin around it will be cleaned. Your caregiver may give you numbing medicine so you will have little pain. He/she will dip cotton in a liquid chemical (kem-ih-kul). Usually, liquid nitrogen is the chemical used. The liquid will be put on your wart. o You may feel a mild sting when the chemical is applied. The area may become white. This is because the cells are dying. o Your caregiver may put a bandage over the wart. A blister will form at the site of your wart. Do not touch the blister. o You will be told how to care for your wart at home. You may need more than 1 treatment if the wart does not go away. o Your treatment will take about 15 to 20 minutes.CARE AGREEMENT:You have the right to help plan your care. To help with this plan, you must learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. You can then discuss treatment options with your caregivers. Work with them to decide what care may be used to treat you. You always have the right to refuse treatment.
How long does it take to get rid of a wart, if you are using compound w freeze-off wart removal treatment?
Q: I am using this product…Any best answer to my question will get 10 points.So make sure you answer is the best.its not that big of a wart, its a small dime size it looks like.duct tape how long do I leave the duct tape on it, and when do I exchange the duct tape piece?
A: My daughter had one on her finger and it took about 2 weeks to go away. I treated it every other day.The BEST way to remove a wart is to keep it covered with that white surgical tape. (a couple of bucks at Walmart or a drug store) According to my dermatologist (I used to be wart infested on my fingers and ankle as a kid) you can simply remove it by changing it’s environment. If it is moist and covered it will turn white and you will see black ‘roots’ it becomes very soft and you can actually scrape it off. If it is on your finger keep it wrapped for a LONG time …try not to remove the bandage unless it is gross and falling off just replace with new bandages when necessary. Even if you take a shower and it’s wet….leave it alone the moisture will soften it all up. When it turns your skin very white on and around the wart…start scraping it off with a razor….there will be NO pain. It WILL go away!
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