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Do all teenagers spot when pregnant

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A:Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently for anyone in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-all-teenagers-spot-when-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Do all teenagers spot when pregnant
Do all teenagers spot when pregnant
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently for anyone in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems.

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opinions on pregnant teenagers ?!?
Q: Okay so i’m doing a research paper for my sociology class,And mine will be about how there’s so many pregnant teens these days, and when people spot them they tend to stereotype them as failures. In my opinion I disagree with that! What do y’all guys think ?Yeah it is wrong to go and get pregnant and then simply depend on the parents. But what about the teens that are actually taking the responsibility and trying to make a change? Having a baby is hard but not impossible ! I know plenty of young girls that are in high school taking college classes and doing so many wonderful things to prove to people that they are not going to give up ! In my textbook it say that teens may be ready physically but not emotionally, well do y’all possibly think that the horrible things people say about them because of the situation they are may be the cause of them not being emotionally ready ? I would have to say yes. Maybe not all girls but about 5 out of 10. It just depends on the way the young girls think.Some just are plain blind and aren’t really thinking about thefuture. Some do.But just give your opinion !!Sorry it was so long !
A: Hmm well let me give you a scenario.Newlyweds, married in April of 2008, both have good jobs and both drive separate cars that they bought together, have great insurance and a great 2 bedroom apartment in a really good area. They conceived a child and are due on August 8th.The girl is me. I am 18. I got married when I was 17 years old and still in high school.I graduated and started community college. I was on birth control. I took it at the wrong time of day. I decided I would leave it up to chance. I got pregnant.Talk about someone stereotyping me when they see me at the mall or something. The little pregnant teenage girl!! And then they see my lovely husband and our matching wedding bands as we walk away holding hands talking about our anniversary plans next month.You do not have to be an older women to give a child a wonderful life. I have a wonderful support group, I have educated myself on what I need to know for baby, and I will be a wonderful mother. A lot better than the 30 year old mothers who think they are good mothers simply because of their age!I would also like to add that I am not on any type of government assistance, I am not even taking out student loans or getting grants for college.And, I would like to add that you do not have to have a 4 year degree to be successful, and my nice 2 year degree will already be halfway done by the time I have the baby.
Why do people park in pregnancy parking?
Q: I’m 32 weeks pregnant and have 5 kidney stones so it’s hard to walk long distances. I try to park in the five reserved parking places they my local Wal-mart provides but almost always they are full. I live in a small town and I’m sure that there aren’t 5 pregnant women in the store at all times. I was pulling around to park in one of the reserved parking spots when this guy cuts me off and takes my spot. Trying not to just go over and let him know what I thought of him. I circled around and parked closest I could to him. As I waddled by him my five year old looks over at him and said you know boys can’t get pregnant. The look on that guys face was picture perfect. I just don’t get it. I was parked in one of the reserved spots and the one next to me was empty and this teenager (not pregnant) pulls in to the spot I asked her if she could see the big white sign with red letters and she told me that she could see it and walked off. Amazing…any info on this subjectFor the people that are saying that I shouldn’t be out walking with kidney stones. When your child needs food you buy it no matter if you have stones or not. My husband is in the military and we just moved to a new place. I don’t have family around to run to the store for me so I suck up the pain and do what I need to do. I only have 4 more weeks and they are going to induce me so I can have surgery to have the large stones removed. I’m not looking for sympathy just asking a simple question.
A: Comedian Denis Leary tells you exactly why in this classic tune:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNzZzsvOClcr
Living life after a miscarriage?
Q: I miscarried my first baby on Friday. I wasn’t but 8 weeks along but it is still hard. I find myself laying in bed wondering what my baby could have looked like and then I start to cry because I will never know. Some people may think I am over reacting but when you are married and ready for a child and when your first child becomes a miscarriage and then you see all these 13-16 year old girls still in high school getting pregnant and having babies left and right, you just get heart broken. I know that there was something wrong with the baby telling my body to abort it, but that doesn’t make this pain go away. I was looking forward to being mommy. I was looking forward to little kicks and flutters in my stomach. My husband was looking forward to being a daddy. He went out and got us a crib and set it up and everything. We were excited and then this happens. How is it so easy for an unwed teenager to get pregnant but when it comes to us married women we have problems? Its Aggravating to me. People who don’t even want children get pregnant and abort the baby themselves. Maybe I am taking this too hard. I don’t know. The one thing I dreamed about most of my life was taken away from me. Am I over reacting? Should I still be upset? Or should i be this upset? This is the first time i have ever dealt with a miscarriage so I had nor have any idea as to what to expect. By the way, for you girls who and pregnant and start to spot with no cramping or bleed with no cramping, go to the Dr. ASAP. Its better to find out when its happening then to find out a day or so after wards because you listened to everyone else who said spotting was normal in a lot of pregnancies. Listen to your heart. If you feel something could be wrong, go to the Dr. I am still beating myself up about not going sooner. I know there would have been nothing the doctors could have done to save he baby, but at least I would have had peace of mind knowing I did everything I could. What can I do to make the pain go away? There is just so much crying you can do without people asking “whats wrong” when you go to the store puffy eyed and there is just a limit as to who you want to tell but everyone asks. I am trying to be strong, but every time I think of the baby, I just start to cry. Does it get easier? Considering i JUST lost the baby on Friday, I can’t try again, nor do i want to try again right this second just to have the same thing happen all over again one right after the other. I want to at least take a small break, give my body a rest and let all the hormones leave my body. I don’t want to try to get try and get pregnant now, think i am pregnant and then take another pregnancy test and it come out positive because of the hormones still being in my body and it really be negative.
A: Dear God,Please help Renee and her husband to get through this incredibly sad time. Comfort them and guide them in these next days, weeks and months until they are strong enough to move on. Help Renee to see that You know what it is to lose a child as well, but that love will always be the tie between parents and children.—–Renee, I am so very sorry for you and your husband. Nobody can understand, and you most definitely are NOT taking this too hard. We can only be prayerful that you’ll soon find peace from this, and that when you’re ready to try again, you’ll be blessed with a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.I don’t have any answers to your questions about the girls who get pregnant with such ease while couples who are actually ready for a family can spend years struggling to conceive and deliver. I think it’s one of the things in life we’re not meant to know. Sometimes it’s the questions that teach us, not the answers.Give yourself a little bit of time and then maybe you’ll feel like talking through your experiences. There are support groups available. Check with your OB/GYN to see if she/he recommends one or perhaps works with one. If not, here’s one I found online.My loving prayers are with you and your husband.
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