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Can you give dogs pain medication

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It’s best to let your vet prescribe pain medication for your dog, because certain OTC drugs can be damaging or even fatal. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-give-dogs-pain-medication ]
More Answers to “Can you give dogs pain medication
Can you give dogs pain medication
It’s best to let your vet prescribe pain medication for your dog, because certain OTC drugs can be damaging or even fatal.
What pain medication can a dog take?
Dogs are able to take the same types of pain medications that humans take, but in much smaller doses. Be sure to ask your vet which pain medication is best for your dog. Never give your dog human medication.
What pain medication can you give a dog?
Dogs can take many of the same pain medications as humans, but only for short periods and in carefully administered dosages. The medication may or may not require a prescription. Prescribed Medications Veterinarians sometimes prescribe powe…

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A: Plain baby aspirin can be safe for dogs. Call your Vet to check, and for the correct dosage. If your dog is in pain, you’ll need to make an appointment anyway.
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A: Lightbulb is wrong. Aspirin is o.k., not Ibuprophen. I actually killed my daughter’s dog with ibuprophen.
can you give a big dog your pain medication i think he pulled a musle or something?
A: Not our medication. It’s dosed for an adult who weighs a lot more than a big dog. The vet can recommend some meds to take as well as see what’s really going on with your dog.There’s also holistic things that can be given to help with pain.
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