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Can you be pregnant and still have light periods in the first and second months

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A:No, it is impossible to have a period while pregnant. It is most likely vaginal bleeding which is a normal sign of pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-be-pregnant-and-still-have-light-periods-in-the-first-and-second-months ]
More Answers to “Can you be pregnant and still have light periods in the first and second months
Can you be pregnant and still have light periods in the first and…?
No, it is impossible to have a period while pregnant. It is most likely vaginal bleeding which is a normal sign of pregnancy.

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Am i Pregnant????? What do you think?
Q: for the past two months Ive been having un-normal periods.the first month i had my period and the first day was not light not heavy but not normal the second day was heavy i would have to change my pad around every three hours.the third day i got it very light i wasn’t able to fill up the pad all day but of course changed it..the fourth day was the same as the third.the next month all three to four days i had a very light period all four days i wasn’t able to fill up the pads and i spotted in between those two month at least three times and after this last period i spotted again this was last moday.and every time i lay down sideways my stomach feels like there stretching it near my ribs and i have to lay down face up or face down.right about now am having light but very light cramps i have to stay still to actually feel them.and yes am in high school and the cafeteria food i can eat it no more with out getting disgusted..so what do you think? am i pregnant or what?and like i said yes am in high school and if your going to respond back don’t talk your mess saying oooh please don’t bring another child in this world to ten parents who are unstable and blah blah yady yada.. save it fro your haters okay..but for those who don’t thanks a lot your help and thought is really appreciated..
A: I’m a teen mom to be so I won’t give you any crap 😉 Truthfully it doesn’t sound to me like you are pregnant since you had consistent bleeding both months, just lighter than usual. The cramping however does worry me a bit, have you taken a test yet?? If not I’d recommend taking one tomorrow, its best to just find out, and if you are pregnant you are far enough along that you’ll test positive on a test. Good luck hun feel free to email me if you want to talk about all this without some of the judgmental people on here 🙂
another Am I pregnant? question…?
Q: Soooo… where do I begin?My boobs have been sore and growing for about 2 weeks now. My bras are getting stretched out and tight and soon I’ll need to buy new ones.I was supposed to start my period the 6th. It finally came on the 17th… but with several irregularities… My cramps are usually for the first hour or two only… and no longer than the first day… I had cramps for the first two days and continue to get them on and off… My period was so light that I would have maybe an inch to an inch and half of blood which was usually a bright red or brownish color at the end of each day. I saw my doctor and she gave me a pregnancy test which was negative and she says that I’m not pregnant unless I miss my next period which is apparently very common, thats how my best friend learned that she was pregnant.My period is gone now and Im so surprised that it was so different from usual… Im typically VERY heavy for the first half of the week…Other symptoms that have me thinkin I might be pregnant… are bloating that causes my jeans literally not to fit me!!! I was in complete disbelief last night when I was getting ready to leave the house and I couldn’t get my pants on!!! what????Ive had a few headaches here and there and I never get those either.Ive been having pains in my stomach that feel like cramps or like very painful gas… Thats really embarassing… but I’m trying to give enough information to have good answers.Sooo… I have been really moody, says my boyfriend… I completely disagree.I’ve been tired all the time except some random mornings and nights where I can’t sleep for the life of me… but usually even 13 hours is not enough and I have to drag myself out of bed… Right now, I feel as though I have the energy of a 5 year old… I can’t be still for a second.I’m not worried. If I’m pregnant, that would be awesome. I just don’t want to get excited and next month’s period come and I find out that I’m not. lol.This is all really unusual for me… I’ve never had bloating like this except during the last month approximately.Never had cramps after my period or so much cramping due to gas.I’ve never had unusual periods except on rare occasion I might be late… but never light or nearly 2 weeks late.So what do you guys think?Pregnant or not pregnant.And don’t give me that bull about you got your period, not pregnant. That’s not true. My friend was pregnant and still had one light period. And negative preggers tests… yeah, not really accurate either. It can take 5-7 weeks for the placenta to develop and that means that it can take 5-7 weeks for the HCg levels to be high enough to be detected by a pregnancy test.
A: Hmmm this is kind of a tough one. I understand about still having your period slightly and still being pregnant. 2 of my friends have experienced this and their pregnancies came as a shock when they did find out. If i had to just pick on based on judgment I would say i think you are pregnant. It does sound like it. I would just do a blood test…Its one of the easiest ways to find out. If you dont want to buy store tests and stuff. Just explain to a doctor. Periods are very weird though. I mean congrats if you are pregnant. I would say it sounds like you are.
Curious what is going on with me pregnant?
Q: So here’s the deal. I stopped birth control the end of July got my period right after August 1st. The next month I got my period September 2nd wasn’t very heavy lasted about 3 days. Then October I did not get my period until the 20th (my guess was my body was still regulating after stopping my bc). I took a pregnancy test oct. 2nd 6th and 8th all negative then when I got my period it was kind of heavy the first day and then light spotting the second and completely stopped by the evening on the second day. Which is very strange for me I usually got my periods right on time before and during bc. I decided to take a test again on the 21st I still had a bit of spotting but took it anyway. The test was strange normally on the test i was taking there would be one box that has a line and then if another line showed up in the other box then you were pregnant. I took the test and a line showed up in both but in the other box it was the opposite direction it was supposed to be. My husband and I had unprotected sex on nov 1st and 7th i checked on a website ovulation calendar and it says i ovulated between the 2nd and the 7th gong off of my last period. So there is possiblility I could be pregnant. In the last few days I have been terribly nauseous and today I woke up with a raging headache and my areolas were darker ( a sign with my first pregnancy). I started thinking well what if I have been pregnant since last month? I wonder if because i was still kind of on my period if it effected the test at all. So confusing I know but if anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I should be starting my period by the 20th and if not I will test.I meant I got my period right after I stopped birth control in July then got my period again 2 weeks later on August 1st.
A: I stopped taking my bc in June, and low and behold, in the middle of august I found Im pregnant, so yes very possible.
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