Windows Vs. Linux: The Pros and Cons

Both Windows and Linux have their advantages, and of course, their disadvantages. Both operating systems have features and nuances that the other doesn’t. But what exactly are all the pros and cons of using both?

In this article I’ll list the pros and cons of both Windows and Linux so you can decide for yourself which is better.

Windows: The Pros and Cons


Software Compatibility

A lot of software is made for Windows only, with no support for other operating systems. In fact, even software that does run on other operating system will usually have a Windows version as well.

Hardware Compatibility

Just as with software, a lot of hardware drivers only run on Windows. Literally any piece of PC hardware you can buy today should work with Windows.

Ease of Use

Windows is known for being incredibly easy to use with its intuitive UI and point and click interface.


Windows has widespread use, making it easier to find others that use it as well.


The Cost

Buying a new copy of Windows can be quite expensive, sometimes costing upwards of $300.

Less Stable

Windows is less stable than Linux, leading to more frequent crashes and errors such as the infamous “Blue Screen of Death”.


Windows is more susceptible to getting viruses, and sinceWindows is used by so many people virus makers tend to target Windows more often.

Linux: The Pros and Cons



Linux is completely free to install and use, you just have to find the distribution you want, download it, burn it to a CD or DVD, then install it completely free of charge.


Linux is often considered the most stable operating system available. In fact, it’s so stable that it’s the operating system of choice for most servers.

Fewer Viruses

You’ll most likely never run into a virus while using Linux, since fewer people use Linux than Windows, virus makers tend to not target Linux as much.

Also, with how Linux is designed, it can be tougher to make a virus that will affect it as much.


Linux is highly customizable, with the entire desktop environment being changeable if you so wish.

There are also thousands of different distributions to choose from, with each of them providing a different experience.


Software Compatibility

Since most software is made for Windows only, Linux falls short here. However, there are often alternatives to some widely-used Windows programs.

Hardware Compatibility

Although getting increasingly better in recent times, some hardware drivers still don’t run on Linux, namely wireless cards and sound cards.

Harder for Beginners

Even with Ubuntu making great strides to correct this issue, Linux is still considered to be quite challenging to newcomers


As you can see, both Windows and Linux have their pros and cons, both have good and bad things about them.

However, depending on what your needs are, one may be better than the other. Hopefully after reading the pros and cons of each, you can decide for yourself which is the better choice.

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