Why the UK Youth Are Rioting

Could it be that the riots in the UK have sprung from the disconcertion of the youth of today? Lets face it everyone is disillusioned by the state of the worlds economy right now!

Education and knowledge are key to power and wealth. We have not been adequately teaching our children on either count.

The Government, businesses and people in general are or have been greedy and selfish, and they discriminate against the poor by preying on them.

Wealthy people do have a responsibility to the poor as and they have and are still failing to live up to their responsibility because the gap between rich and poor has and will continue to widen until it is confronted properly. Humanity is at a crossroads, with the social and ecological world ripping apart aided by what many see as the dishonesty of the academic class.

We have a government that is voted in by the people and yet they constantly ignore the wishes and needs of the people who have voted them into power, repeatedly dong things that the majority of the people oppose.

We need governments that in reality represent those who have voted them into power, right now the majority of people believe that their governments are spending too much, imposing taxes that are too high and not making cut backs in the right places.

We see blatant corruption everywhere in every walk of life, we see injustice right left and centre, we all watch on seemingly powerless as the poor and the lower middle class pay the price and suffer at the hands of a now very sick society, while the wealthy it appears do not live by the same rules or laws as everyone else.

Too many people are living on a below living wage/salary, children are growing up in what I personally call gang families, shoved into child care in groups from a very young age, the disintegration of the family unit is the root to the evil eruptions we are now seeing across the UK and in society generally.

Proper values are not being past down to our future generations, children are running feral in gangs, because these gangs are being created and are replacing family units. When both parents have to go out to work in order to survive financially, with their children being abandoned to a group childcare environment they then over time see that group environment as their family unit and in consequence it is in my opinion the disintegration of the true British family unit that has caused the feral gang culture that we see today.

We need to get back to basics and have one parent staying at home in order for our children to have real values as this is how children have traditionally learned how to show respect for themselves and others, and until we do this our children will not learn that striving for goals instead of running with gangs is the right way forward in their lives.

Changes need to be made and made now before it is too late, the exploitation of the poor and middle classes is rife and everyone is talking about it behind closed doors and across the world wide grapevine. Our children and grandchildren are not deaf, but this situation is making them feel there is little to no hope for a decent future for them.

It is a disastrous for everyone when only money matters and all other principles are sacrificed, and even worse when we are not education our children, grandchildren to a standard that would enable them to be proactive in the marketplace.

People need to help themselves and their children families, friends or loved ones, and the governments need to stop taxing the hell out of the poor and middle classes, while leaving huge loop holes for the extremely wealthy to dodge paying their fair share.

If nothing is done the majority of people will just end up as skivvies to the wealthy and life will become even more of a living hell for them.

Could civil war be next?

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