Why I Find Twitter More “Fun” to Use Than Facebook

I am currently a very active twitter user, whether it be while I am on my way to my next college class or if I have a break while at work, I always seem to find time to squeeze in to tweet. I begun using twitter about a year or two ago; at first just trying it out to see what the growing fuss was over on this new thing called “tweeting”. I somehow found myself instantly getting hooked and becoming a fervent twitter user. I was never much of a Facebook user, I have one even now and I barely even check it anymore. I personally just find it not as interesting as twitter and I have many reasons why. But without having to go into a huge long detailed post,(something I so do love to do), I put together a list of the top five reasons why I consider twitter more engaging than Facebook.

1. Twitter has “followers” and “following”:

The reason why I really think I enjoy using twitter is because I feel more in control of who and what I read. Rather than on Facebook, where if someone wishes to “befriend” you, you must without a choice either accept and befriend them for them to be able to see what you post and communicate with them, or reject them. But with twitter you are able to choose whether or not you really wish to follow someone without “rejecting” them. They can follow you and still see what you post and communicate with you without you even having to follow them back, and this works vise versa. This is a great way for users to limit what does appear on their dashboard and not have to be cluttered with useless stuff that you don’t wish to read.

2. Twitter has “trending” topics from all over

Another reason why I prefer Twitter over Facebook is because it has “trending” topics. It shows you what is popular in today’s news/social media worldwide. Not only that, but you also can hear things “first” such as rumors or breaking news right from news twitter accounts (Without even having to follow them) and see what’s happening outside of where you live. You don’t get that from Facebook unless you “like” a News organization Facebook page and befriend random strangers,(which would be awkward), from across the world to read what is happening from all over.

3. Twitter is less “personal”:

What really makes Twitter different from Facebook is the fact that it’s less “personal” meaning it’s not meant to be a place where you just communicate with close friends and family, but meant to be a social media outlet where you can communicate and express ideas with people from all over, people you possibly never have met and never will meet. You can even tweet a famous actor or music band and they may respond, but of course it’s more likely they won’t.

4. Twitter is great for advertising:

What is also great and useful about Twitter is that it is a great place to advertise, such as blogs/websites and/or businesses. It gives you a broader range of people to reach to since Twitter is being used by more than millions of people from across the globe.

5: Twitter is made for frequent updating:

Last but definitely not least, is that Twitter is made for scribbling down quick thoughts/ideas from the top of your head. It is made for frequent updating, especially since you are only limited to 140 characters, like the size of one text message. You are sure to tweet more than one update at a time. Twitter is for the active on the move type of user who wishes to get something out there quick and easy. Unlike on Facebook, where you mainly reach out to just a personal group of friends and family members, with Twitter you can reach out to millions of people with just one simple status update. This is one thing that some Facebook users seem to not be able to understand is that Facebook is not meant for updating every single second, it gets annoying to those who have to read it because it can clutter up their dashboard. While on Twitter one can simply choose whether or not follow you.

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