When Should You Take the Burlap Off of a Root Ball?

Burlap is a biodegradable fabric used for many years by landscapers and nurseries. Burlap is made of jute and sometimes other vegetable fibers. It is also used to transport coffee and other products that may need to be able to breathe to keep the product fresh and dry.

Because of its biodegradable nature and low cost, burlap is often used to wrap the rootball of a tree or bush that will be transported. The burlap not only holds and protects the roots from damage, it will also help the rootball retain moisture between waterings and increase the chance that the tree will survive stress brought on by transplanting.


Should you take the burlap off of the ball of a tree when planting? Burlap is wrapped around the roots and the original dirt of a tree to help keep it alive during transport and while it waits to be sold or planted. If a tree is properly prepared before being dug, it will have a solid root ball with moist soil covering all the roots and filling the spaces between the roots, essentially forming a ball shape. If dirt needs to be added before the roots are wrapped in burlap, chances are that dirt will fall back out if the burlap is removed before transplanting . If you suspect you will lose some dirt or damage roots or fine root fibers by removing the burlap, it is fine to leave it on. You will want to make a several cuts in the fabric, especially if it is thick, to allow roots to easily pass through and into the new soil.


Trees roots wrapped in burlap are more easily damaged during transfer to stores or to your home as roots can be broken if they are handled roughly. If the root ball is not properly formed before being wrapped, you will have air pockets in the soil that may be undetected during planting if the roots are not uncovered and inspected. Trees that have too much burlap or too thick of a layer will have difficulty pushing roots through to the new soil. Trees that have been wrapped for a long time will have root fibers or hairs embedded into the burlap and it can be difficult to remove the fabric without damaging the roots.


Should you take the burlap off of the ball of a tree when planting? The choice is up to you. Weigh the pros and cons of burlap use and decide before it is time to plant the tree. The best time for planting is early spring before the leaf buds have opened to give your tree or shrub time to acclimate to its surroundings before the hot summer sets in. For best results with any type of plant, whether it is rootballed, or bare root, always buy from a reputable nursery who will have taken good care of the plant prior to and during its transfer.

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