‘True Blood’: Is There a Doctor in the House?

The HBO hit series “True Blood” takes place in the fictional Southern town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. Bon Temps is home to a unique blend of citizens including humans, vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters and more. Bon Temps is also home to a variety of restaurants, churches, markets and the like, but what the town desperately needs is a mental health center with an experienced licensed psychologist. Here is a look at why Bon Temps is in desperate need of a quality mental health professional, rather than yet another bar or restaurant.

Ruby Jean

In all four seasons of “True Blood” the only mention of a mental health facility occurs in Season 3 when Lafayette brings Tara to the mental hospital where his mother, Ruby Jean Reynolds, was staying. Lafayette and Tara drive for hours to get to the hospital. There is no indication whether there is a closer hospital to Bon Temps, Louisiana.

Grief Counseling

The people of Bon Temps, Louisiana are in desperate need of grief counseling. Every season, more and more people die of unnatural causes in Bon Temps. From the murder of Sookie’s grandmother, to the death of Eggs, the people of Bon Temps have certainly had to cope with loss and speaking with a licensed psychologist would be a good idea.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Terry, who works in the kitchen at Merlotte’s could definitely use the help of a mental health provider. His Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the war causes him to have his highs and lows. If he could get his flashbacks under control, Terry would be a pretty awesome guy.

Mental Illness Abound

It seems everywhere you look in Bon Temps and the surrounding area there are people with major mental complaints. A licensed psychologist would have an absolute field day in Merlotte’s or Fangtasia. It would be interesting to get to the bottom of several characters psyche and understand what makes them tick. So many issues could be avoided if the citizens of Bon Temps would seek mental help when it is clear that they are having a problem. I think an intervention episode is in order for several characters who keep running from their inner demons.

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