To Err is Human: The Flukey Things We Do that Keep Us Human

Human blunder #1. Extra cheese pizza was for dinner. I had my share of it. Now full and content I drove to the local library to pick up some midnight movies. While there I chatted with the librarians and picked out my entertainment selections. I was feeling rather good about the evening, but when I made it to my car, I looked at my reflection in the window and was shocked. A large round dot was on my chin. “Now I know I didn’t just have a breakout. . .” I reached for the lump and peeled it off. It was cheese.

Moral of the story: Check your face before you leave home.

Human blunder #2 I went out shopping with my sister one night, no pizza this time mind you, and after I was done in the fitting room I grabbed the cart and swerved around. Down the isles I went, past shoes and bags and items of the latest sale. I finally found my sister ogling some scarves and when I came up behind her I asked if she was ready to go. She looked at me for a long moment, frowned, and said, “That’s not our cart.”

Moral of the story: Try not to steal other peoples’ carts.

Human blunder #3 At this point, could I do any worse? I needed shampoo so I proceeded to the hair isle. I spotted what I wanted, but I must have reached forward with the hand and grace of Sasquatch for on my way towards the shampoo, I swung out and mauled a bottle of hair mousse. The bottle crashed to the floor and the cap broke. I always wanted a bottle of hair mousse!

Moral of the story: Be extra careful with hair care products!

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