Tired of Getting Beaten Up at the Gas Pump?

Here we go again…………along with the approaching spring weather, comes the high gas prices. It seems as though every year at this time, there is another excuse as to why the price is going up. Honestly, I’m tired of the price gouging, and the excuses! I know many of you also feel like your about to be assaulted when you pull up to the pump.

We all know that we would never ask our kids to do something that we ourselves are not willing to do, with that said, consider this…………..We have all told our children to do what’s right for their future. Things like “stay in school, get a good education, take care of your environment, stay healthy”, etc.

Maybe we are overwhelmed with the current issues we face, however there are simple things we can do right now to break the cycle of at least some of our current problems. Instead of spending $60 to fill up our compact cars, or even worse, hundreds, if you have a bigger vehicle, we should consider spending that money on a new bicycle. Sure, you may still need your car to take those long trips, or to go to and from work, but what about those times you say, “I’m bored, I think I’ll go for a drive” to get out for a while?

A bicycle? Really? Yes, why not? Buying a bike has many good benefits. Some of them include, keeping yourself healthy, spending quiet time together with a loved one enjoying the scenery and fresh air during the ride. A big reason to buy and actually start using one is to save money in the long run on fuel costs while enjoying yourself, and staying healthy at the same time.

It’s not all hard work either although riding a bike more often may sound like it. You will enjoy the outdoors, as well as using the money you are saving on fuel costs to stop off along your way to try out the local ice cream shop, maybe catch a movie at the local theater, or just having fun exploring some local scenery while enjoying a different perspective at the same time as it is much different than that of riding in a car.

I must confess, I myself am not an avid bike rider either, but I decided to finally fight back and stop being taken advantage of by the corporate machine of the oil companies,I’m gonna give some of my money to some of the local businesses for a change, while staying healthy at the same. If enough of us start to make bold moves such as this, we will ultimately help our children by preserving resources for their future, while keeping the cost of those resources low at the same time.

In a nut shell, I’m not suggesting we get rid of our cars, I love mine just as much as you love yours, and buying cars keeps the economy moving, and feeds families. However, buying a bike also puts money into the economy, more important, it’s a part of the economy other than the big oil companies that already make more money than they know what to do with. It’s time we send a message to the oil companies. Get that bike and get out there to enjoy your summer!

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