The Truth About STDs and Fertility

If you have been having difficulties getting pregnant or if you are considering getting pregnant, it is important to get yourself checked for STDs because they can have a negative effect on your fertility and chance of getting pregnant. Following are a list of STDs that you should get checked for and how they can cause problems for your fertility.

Syphilis is a disease caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. It has been known to imitate other diseases’ signs and symptoms so can sometimes be misdiagnosed at first sight. Some of the symptoms of Syphilis is sores around the genital area and/or mouth skin rash most likely to be found on the palms of the hands and if left untreated can cause stiff muscles, paralysis and even death. Some people with Syphilis, however, do not have signs or symptoms, which is why it is important to get tested whether or not you think you may have it.

Although syphilis is normally only transferred through sexual intercourse, it can also be transmitted through a pregnant woman to her baby. Syphilis in pregnancy increases the chances of stillbirths. If a baby is born with the disease and is not treated immediately, it can cause some serious problems such as having seizures, becoming developmentally delayed and even causing death. Because of the seriousness of the effects of syphilis on a baby all pregnant women or those wanting or even thinking about becoming pregnant should be tested for syphilis immediately.

Another STD to be checked for is Chlamydia. Chlamydia is the most commonly found sexually transmitted disease in the United States. It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Even though the symptoms of chlamydia are nonexistent or very mild, chlamydia can cause serious and irreversible damage to a woman’s reproduction system and even cause infertility. It causes pelvic inflammatory disease in 10-15% of women who have untreated chlamydia, which is where the irreversible damage comes into play.

This STD can cause premature delivery in pregnancy and can be passed on to a baby from and infected mother. Passing on chlamydia to an unborn child can cause respiratory problems for newborn babies, such as early infant pneumonia and can also cause pink eye in newborns.

Gonorrhea is the 3rd sexually transmitted disease that should be checked for. It is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeeae Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeeae, which multiplies in the moist, warm environment of the reproduction system, anus, throat, eyes and mouth.

Some of the symptoms of gonorrhea in are similar to bladder or vaginal infection and can cause bleeding between periods.

Untreated gonorrhea can cause permanent fertility problems for women. It can cause pelvic inflammatory disease which can lead to permanent damage to the reproduction system and lead to infertility. It also increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening for the mother.

Gonorrhea can be spread from mother to child during delivery and can cause a life threatening blood infection, blindness or joint infection for the baby.

The last STD to be discussed is Trichomoniasis (trich). This disease, unlike the others, is actually caused by a parasite. The symptoms of trichomoniasis include greenish or yellow vaginal discharge that is frothy and bad smelling. It also can cause itchiness or burning during intercourse or urination and can cause itching in the vaginal area and inner thighs.

Trich that goes untreated can cause damage to your fallopian tubes. It can also be transmitted to your child during delivery. It can also cause babies to be born early and with a low birth weight.

These four STDs are dangerous for women who are pregnant and can cause fertility issues, but they are not the only ones. That is the reason it is so crucial to let your doctor know before that you are trying to get pregnant before you actually start trying, so that these diseases can be caught before they can cause risk for your baby. It will also help in the process of getting pregnant if your body is free of any STDs.

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