The Power of Beauty Pt. 15: Why Women Should Use Beauty & Sex Appeal to Their Advantage

As many SPFs that are on the market, we only seem to use them if we are going to be sun bathing for long periods of time.

But SPFs are supposed to be used every time you step out the door. Why? Even when you are driving to work (or any place else), the sun is shining on your face and damaging your skin.

Anytime there is any sunlight hitting your face, you need to be protected. Even if it’s cold outside, UV rays are still active.

Wearing SPF can save you a lot of hassle in the future. Sun rays break down collagen and they cause wrinkles and spots. Who knew that wearing something so affordable can prevent so much damage?

You can buy face creams that already have SPF in it, or you can mix a little SPF in it yourself. An SPF 15 is great for younger skin, and SPF 25 is better for aging skin. I personally use a baby’s SPF which is an SPF 40. Even if you’re African American, you still need to wear an SPF because the sun can damage your skin too.

And as you know, SPF isn’t just for your face, but it’s for your body too. So don’t forget to protect any other exposing skin on the body.

Just a little tip: when you’re putting on SPF, don’t forget your nose, ears, chest and neck. People tend to forget those places.

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