Spiritual Basic Training: 50 Missions for a Spirit-Filled Life #18

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you” (John 16:13-14). God’s Word should always be ready to be absorbed into our minds and spirits. Surrounding our lives with his Word should be a priority. In the morning when we wake, pick up the Bible or a devotional. Read a passage for the day two or three times to let it sink in. As we begin the day, reflect on the words and their meaning. How do his words apply to our lives and our situation at this moment? Ask, What is God saying in this passage? Meditate and pray for the meaning to be revealed. Do not stop there though. Once the meaning is revealed, take it to heart and apply it to our lives. The living Word is intended to guide us in the path of righteousness and servitude to God and his children. Remember the more his Word comes into contact with us through the day, the more we are exposed to his truth and his plan for us. We must learn to abide in his truth and let his words consume our day. Place a favorite verse on the computer screen. Sign up for the Scripture of the day through email. When we lie down at night, take the Bible out again and seek his knowledge earnestly. Whenever we need it, make sure it is readily available and we will find his truth.

MISSION: Surround the day with God’s truth

Pick out a verse each morning and immerse ourselves in it throughout the day. Learn it and seek God’s meaning for us in it. Once God has revealed that day’s message, accept it into our hearts, minds, and lives completely. Every day apply at least one message from a verse into our lives. Then we will be living his truth.

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Chris is the author of the inspirational book “Spiritual Basic Training” Learn more at www.spiritualbasictraining.com to complete missions for a Spirit-filled life.
God Bless

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