Soda Damage: How Soft Drinks Can Cause Harm

It doesn’t matter if it’s sugar free or sugar filled, soft drinks can cause some serious health issues. Some are obvious, but not all of them are. Here are some things to keep in mind before you open your next soft drink:

Weight: This is the most obvious problem some soft drinks can create. High fructose corn syrup can pack on pounds, especially if more than one serving is had per day. However, diet drinks are not innocent here. They, too, can cause weight gain.

Caffeine: This is not something mild; it is to all extents and purposes, a drug. It can cause blurry vision and shaky hands. It can interact with several medications and make many conditions worse. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder, this is not a drink for you.

Diseases: Besides the above problems, soft drinks can cause problems for diabetics, people with heart issues and kidney disease. Diabetics may be able to consume sugar free versions safely, but they have to be aware of the potential for weight gain.

It has been proven that the caffeine in some soft drinks doesn’t cause heart disease. That doesn’t mean it’s good for them. It increases the heart rate and raises blood pressure. It may also cause angina to act up.

Many soft drinks have potassium in them. Kidney patients have to avoid potassium, as it can make the disease worse. Even if they don’t contain high fructose corn syrup, many do contain some of this element.

Food Dye: If your favorite beverage is colored, chances are good it was done with food dye. The worst offender is red food dye. There are a lot of people who are allergic to it without even knowing it. Also, if you don’t wish to consume animal products, you probably ought to skip it. It is usually made from bugs.

Teeth: Think about it. You know candy isn’t good for your teeth, so how can soft drinks be any better? The road to Cavityville is paved in candy and melded together with sugary soft drinks.

We don’t have to avoid soft drinks entirely. They make a nice treat once in a while, but to drink them all day every day is a recipe for disaster. Water and natural fruit juices are much safer choices to maintain a healthy diet.

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