Simple Ways to Alleviate Morning Sickness

Any pregnant woman knows that it is “morning sickness” in name only. The unfortunate side effect of pregnancy can occur all day, every day, and often without much warning. Eating or smelling certain foods or odors – or even just thinking about them – can trigger the unpleasant feelings and lead to queasiness, wooziness, dry heaving, and/or vomiting. All of these symptoms can be terribly disruptive for a woman just trying to get through her day, but knowing a few simple ways to alleviate or eliminate the nausea can make life much easier. When you feel morning sickness coming your way, try a few of these tips:

Eat Saltines before getting out of bed.
Eating something bland, like crackers (Saltines are recommended), before even getting out of bed in the morning will ensure that you are not moving around on an empty stomach. Strangely, in pregnancy, hunger and nausea are often hand-in-hand, creating some conflicting feelings and doubling the discomfort. Keep a pack of crackers or some dry toast by your bedside and take advantage of them first thing upon waking up.

Keep hydrated.
This is a huge issue for women who are suffering from nausea. Vomiting can cause you to lose a lot of fluid, and feeling nauseous may prevent you from wanting to drink water at all. But becoming dehydrated will only worsen your symptoms and possibly land you in the hospital! Sip on some refreshing, ice-cold water, as well as a glass of milk (you need calcium in pregnancy) and some juice now and then (an easy way to get your fruit servings) will ensure that your hydration levels stay up.

Don’t take your prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach.
This one is so easy to forget – after all, most of us probably roll out of bed and take the vitamins right away so we don’t forget! But taking anything on an empty stomach, particularly something with so much iron in it, can cause some serious nausea. Make sure you have at least had some crackers or toast before taking your vitamins so that there is something in your stomach to absorb them.

Ginger is your friend.
Everyone and his brother has probably told you to stock up on ginger and ginger-related products to ease your nausea. Well, they’re right. Ginger candies, tea, cookies, even pickled ginger like what is served with sushi can make a huge difference in your day. Carry around some gingersnaps (bonus: they can soothe your sweet tooth) or hard ginger candies and start your day with a cup of ginger tea.

Citrus and peppermint are also your friends.
Sucking on citrus- or peppermint-flavored hard candies can relieve feelings of morning sickness by putting a pleasant taste in your mouth. Brushing your teeth frequently can also help keep unpleasant tastes and excess saliva out of your mouth, which can also keep morning sickness at bay.

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