Sapphire Samurai on Proper Smurgling Techniques

As the temperatures dip ever colder, it is a good idea to remind you humans about the needs of your felines and all the work we do to help you provide for them. If you know in advance what we are doing, you may allow us to get the care and attention we need.

Finding a Human Unlikely to Move: This is important. If your human gets up and down a lot, you will neither get comfortable or warm. In the evenings, my female human is often like this, so the better person to smurgle with is my male human.

Laps, Cute and Cuddly: As we get more and more comfortable, we work very hard to look as cute as possible. This greatly improves the chances that the lap will stay in one place. We also try to appear cuddly, though that can be hard if the cat in question is very cold. Then we tend to have our noses buried under all four paws and our tails.

Bedtime: The first thing to ascertain for the cat is where the warmest spot will be. On our house, that will be on or around the female human. She is often referred to as a “human heater” by various family members. She does not lack for cuddling in the winter.

The problem with this is that the male human thinks that’s his spot. This can be problematic upon occasion, and for some reason I find my cute, furry self on the dark, cold other side of the door. As you may imagine, I don’t like that much and make my viewpoints known. Loudly.

There is one more aspect to proper smurgling you should know about. We often come up and do this when we want something. I’ve learned that a few purrs will get a lot more cat food than my fangs do.

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