Religious Intolerance

People in the United States of America complain that their religious freedoms are trampled on every day by Christians. They state that the displaying of the Ten Commandments, the celebration of Christmas and Hanukkah in public schools, and street preachers are an offense to them, and they want it taken away. In some instances they have succeeded. My question is: Where is THEIR tolerance? After reading this Op/Ed piece on a story from Iran perhaps they will stop complaining.

A Fox News story this morning from this link told a disturbing story dealing with religious freedom, rights, and tolerance all wrapped up into one terrifying package. A man in his early 30s was arrested for believing in Jesus Christ in Iran. He is not the first, nor will he be the last. Iran’s intolerance towards other people’s religious beliefs is unfailing in that they have arrested over 200 people for believing in Christ; being Christian instead of Muslim. However, in that country it is illegal to stray from the Muslim faith. This is what happens when any religion is allowed to infiltrate and control a government entity, whether that religion be Muslim, Judaism, Christianity or Atheism. Yes, I said Atheism with a capitol “A”. It is a belief and a strong one for many that no God or gods exist; therefore, they are holding a belief in themselves or perhaps humankind.

For this 30-something-year-old Christian in Iran, the death sentence is being talked about as a possible punishment. I pose a question here: Who feels that this man deserves death for believing in Jesus Christ versus the Muslim religion? Seriously, leave your comments and answers below! He is a human being, right? Of course! Is he not afforded the freedom to speak his mind? No he is not! Is he afforded to believe what his heart and soul tell him to believe? No he is not! THAT is religious intolerance. It is locking up the freedom to believe what a person wants, punish them for speaking their mind, and silencing those who do not agree with you. Sound familiar?

We are more than a little blessed to be living in a country where the founders decided that religious freedom was for everyone regardless of what they believed, as long as their practices were in accordance with common laws. So, why do the Ten Commandments need to be removed? Why were bus drivers in King County in Washington State told they could not say Merry Christmas one year? Why are children of any faith no longer allowed to say their prayers before they eat in a public school lunch room? Has our country really fallen this far? The answer to that last question is yes!

The next time someone in the United States says that religion is being pushed down their throat they should look at this story of the 30-something Christian in Iran and thank God (or themselves or nature or what have you) that they live in a country where they are free to believe what they want without the threat of persecution. Then they should work to ensure other people are free from persecution by engaging in conversations in a respectful manner regarding that freedom. After all the only thing we are required to do in this country is respect the freedom each and every one of us has to believe what we want. Stop complaining and start celebrating the freedom you have and allow others to do the same!

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