Pets and Tear Stains

As living creatures, we have tears that come out of the eyes on a daily basis. The purpose of the tears are to protect the eyes from foreign materials, such as pollen. But unfortunately, some tears produce stains underneath the eyes in cats and dogs.

What are exactly tear stains?

Tear stains refer to the hardened, crisp stain that are present in the eyes of cats and dogs. Unlike humans, who have a drainage system (which happens to be the nasal passage) that controls the flow of a massive amount of tears, cats and dogs do not possess this special drainage system. Since these animals do not possess this drainage system, their large flow of tears are collected underneath their eyes, which is covered with fur. As a result, the substance becomes dry and hardened and it becomes a stain. The stained area of the eye is also a potential candidate for bacteria and eye infections.


The cause of tear stains that exist in dogs and cats are linked to tear ducts that are blocked and/or is absolutely too much hair around the eye area. In addition to the blockage of tear ducts, tear stains may be caused by eye allergies, eye inflammation, and an irregular eyelid. If tear stains remain untreated, then there is a possibility that an eye infections and/or the pet becoming blind may occur.

Treatments for Getting Rid of Tear Stains

There is hope for getting rid of tear stains that occur in dogs and cats. There is the traditional method and the natural method. With the traditional method of treatment, it includes everything from antibiotics to many abrasive chemicals. A vast number of these chemical treatments have a disclaimer that clearly states it is pretty toxic if in direct contact with the pet’s eyes. If the owner is a bit skeptical about these chemically-based cleansers, then there is the natural method of treatment. For the most part, the natural method of treatment is a bit gentler than its chemical-based counterparts. Here are two examples of natural ingredients that are contained in some tear stain treatments:

Dandelions: This is a cleanser whose natural properties include anti-fungal as well as anti-bacterial.

Eyebright: Eyebright is excellent with treating many aspects of the eye inflammation diseases.

Although tear stains can be an unattractive sight for a dog and cat, there are methods to getting rid of these painful and hardened crust under their eyes. If owners keep the tear stains under control, then the elimination of eye infections will be possible.


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