Penn State University Molested by Apathy

In the words of Charles Dickens, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. For the child molester in America, it is the best of times. For Penn State University and America’s children, it is the worst of times.

Times are good for a child molester because the love for a dog has surpassed the love for a child. In America, whipping an unruly dog with a leather strap is a criminal offense. However, whipping an unruly child with a leather strap is praised and even encouraged. Moreover, whipping a convicted child molester with a leather strap would be considered cruel and unusual punishment. But, whipping an unruly child with a leather strap is considered devine discipline sanctioned by God. Spare the rod and spoil the child is put forth as justification. How about using the rod on the child molester and sparing society.

In addition, times are good for a child molester because the love a bear has for it’s cubs has surpassed the love American adults have for their children. For example, a bear will instinctively kill a human who comes near to harm it’s cubs. Not so with American adults. Americans will apprehend, coddle, feed, house, judiciously process, then release the child molester back into society to victimize another innocent child.

That is why times are bad for America’s children. No longer are children safe in America. Children are being molested in the home, in grade school, in the church, and now in a once respected college. Not only are children not safe from physical molestation but, also emotional molestation. With a regard for only profit, adults molest the minds of children through the manufacture and distribution of perverted music, movies, and video games.

Therefore, let us not heap the full measure of our indignation upon Penn State University but, upon the child molesters and ourselves. Our unwillingness to protect our children with the same passion as a bear protecting their cubs, led to the child abuse scandel at Penn State University.

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