Now is the Time for a New Direction

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” When Thomas Paine made that statement little did he visualize what the United States would be like today. How appros for our times The United States is in and has been in a sociological, economical, and physiological crisis for quite some time now. It is now no small wonder that more and more Americans are rising up in revolt because of the continued oppression, stagnation and repression that has befallen on to so many. The United States is now faced with a very uncertain future if we don’t address the issues that have caused the American Dream to wither and die right before our eyes.

Many factors have all attributed to this current economic meltdown. When we look back to the United States economy forty years ago this nation was at the pinnacle of prosperity. Sure there were areas that didn’t experience the economic boom following World War II, but over all this nation maintained the largest economy through-out the world. Nobody thought that China would become the mega economic system that it is today. What has happened in the past 40 years has been a complete deterioration of ethics, morals, sound business procedures and a total evaporation of prudent fiscal policies at all levels of business and government.

What took forty years to create is considered now is the worst fiscal, economic, and social crisis of the 21st. century eqyal to and in many areas all over the world more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1930’s.. What transpired is a cumulative subconscious effort on the part of corporate America to forgo what worked from the period of the late 1940’s’ to the 1970’s. to adopt literately a script from the movie Wall Street “Greed is Good”. as the way business is run today. Long gone are the days that businesses produced quality, durable, and affordable goods and services. It was no wonder why corporations like General Motors were faced with an almost un surmountable task of staying in business. Some say a misguided attempt to return the American Auto Industry back to solvency through the Government bail-out only solidified a continuing struggle for the American citizen to maintain any semblance of a quality of life. The bottom line is the United States could not afford to let General Motors or any other major American Corporation fail, including our financial institutions. Already this current economic crisis has created a ripple effect all across the globe. With the rising cost of living compounded with the rising unemployment rates in all industrial countries is a real major threat to each nations national security.

A real issue of concern that has given rise to the protests today even after the United States borrowed trillions of dollars to keep this nation from falling deeper down the Abyss of Economic Depravation is that the Republican led legislatures in practicaly every state and on the federal level continue to thwart an Administration that is trying to improve the economy of the United States. So orchestrated is the Republican responses to the proposed initiatives by the President it is quite clear that the outcry by the people that started this Occupy Wall Street protest is not just a coincidence but most warranted to try to equalize the playing field sort of speaking.

What has led to this inequality has been that so many CEO’s continually defy, prudent policies by garnishing outlandish salaries, stock option, and other perks compared to and at the expense of the rank and file employee. That’s if these rank and file employees still manage to hold on to their job. Recent reports now indicate that the majority of American incomes have continued to shrink while the CEO of major business have all managed to reap huge increases in their incomes. This is not new, but, the extreme almost obscene amount of compensation bestowed to these corporate heads of business is almost as though these employers are flaunting their success in the faces of so many millions who are now so destitute. As far back as twenty years ago CEO’s were rewarded with huge pay increases while eliminating thousands of jobs. Recently, Bank Of America and Black & Decker are now laying off thousands of employees. In doing so still their CEO managed to have their compensation increase by as much as 200 %. Where are these thousands of workers going to go. In all likely hood they will become a tax liability instead of a tax asset. A large percentage of these former workers if they manage to find a job their corresponding salary won’t even come close to sustaining the quality of life that they once had.

What Corporate America created in their thirst for the quick and easy profit has instead done just the opposite. We created an economic downward spiral of all the worlds economies. Compounding this is the fact that the Republicans still have a set mind frame that will only curtail and even render this country in worse economic shape than it already is in. Now the task at hand is how to stop this economic domino effect and reverse the cycle of deterioration of economies not only here in the United States but in Europe as well.

This can be accomplished in five parts.

First: To immediately create economic momentum Congress must pass a stimulus bill aimed at working class Americans. For those who earn less than $50,000, for those who are unemployed, for those who lost their homes, and for those who are about to loose their homes. A sizable block grant to spend or pay down debt would prove to be a giant step on the road to economic recovery. Securing the “Williams theory Of Economic Evolution” is vital for this country to finally rid the fiscal and economic “monkey off our back” We have to remember that the more people with more disposal income to spend, save, and pay down debt produces more economic growth. It is time that the Republicans realize another basic economic principal: “That it takes up front capital to reap more capital”

Second: Corporations and businesses must step up to the plate in regards to offering real living wages for their employees. The stagnation of the majority of the United States workforce wages is one of the key stumbling blocks in the way of producing effective economic stability.

Third: The United States Congress must pass Universal Health Care. A single payer plan similar in scope and efficiency as the English , European, and Canadian systems and rid ourselves of the bureaucratic Medicare and Medicaid which is so ineffective today. Having a Universal Health Care system in the United States will free up funding for all bushiness and in turn will produce more economic benefit for all.

Fourth: There must be a global regulatory board for all financial institutions to ensure each nations regulatory board is continuing to ensure financial stability. This can be accomplished through the United Nations and the World Bank.

Fifth: The United States must pass National Economic Reform. Ten Articles Of Confederation that encompasses all of the above. It also includes a sound energy policy for the virtual elimination of green house gasses while ensuring lasting domestic affordable fuel for all. This paves the way to restoring our nations credibility in the Global Community. Also included as part of the Articles of Confederation has to do with equalizing our trade deficit. This will provide a means to achieving our National Security. National Economic Reform also will implement Immigration and Homeland Security Reform. A nation awareness that focuses on the plight of migrate workers here in the United States. By passing and establishing National Economic Reform as the mandate for the future our economic revival will be assured.

Now is the time to do what is right for America.”United we stand” in this effort must be the mandate not only for the Occupy Wall Street protesters but for each and every American.

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