News of the Day: Bacon, Eggs and Toast

There’s just something comforting about bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast.

My morning routine drags me – coffee cup in tow – to my computer to write a morning commentary article for Yahoo! It’s what I do every single morning. I wake up, brush my teeth, brew some coffee and stumble to my computer to sift through the news until I find the story I want to write about.

But, this morning things were just different. Yes, it’s Labor Day and everyone is off today. Everyone, except my trash man that is. At 6:30 this morning, he was out there tossing around the garbage can and slamming it back on the ground. I love that weekly routine of fishing it out of the middle of the street and setting it back where it belongs. No rest for him on Labor Day.

I wanted to write a story about the Jerry Lewis-less MDA telethon that happened — get this — yesterday. But, that was a non-story. MDA raised $61 million without Jerry Lewis, but I suspect that was people who have given before or people who wanted to give one more time for Lewis. I wanted to hear him sing one more time, but that wasn’t meant to be. Maybe next year.

I was half expecting that Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi would have been found last night. No particular reason why – it just sounded like something I might discover this morning. That didn’t happen either, but the rebels say they have him surrounded…again.

Basically, there wasn’t any particular news story that jumped at me this morning. President Barack Obama isn’t up to anything new – is he ever? – so there was no news there. Sarah Palin didn’t jump into the presidential race – but I bet she sold a bunch load of books.

What did happen was my sudden desire to eat something familiar. Bacon may not be good for me, but it sure does taste good. Sometimes we all need to splurge once in a while. Eggs, fried in bacon grease aren’t good for me either, but honestly, there’s nothing better. And toast. Well, breakfast isn’t really breakfast without toast. It was fantastic.

I ate at my desk still surfing the internet. I need a news story to comment about. I need something that will draw readers to my article. I need an angle.



But the bacon is amazing. The eggs were perfect and the toast… I love me some toast.

The world was quiet last night, unless you were in the Gulf region and dodging the latest hurricane/tropical storm.

Maybe the afternoon will bring some more exciting news. But, I kind of hope it will be a quiet day. I want to light up the BBQ grill and spend some time outside. I’d really prefer to spend it at pool, but alas I don’t have one of those.

Bacon, eggs and toast. It’s a great start to my day and, after a breakfast like that, it has to be a grand day at that. I hope you have a super day too!

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