Making a Hookah (Sheesha) Bowl and Flavor Using a Single Coconut


Tobacco A coconut Glycerin


1. Cut the coconut into 2 pieces at the center. The cut should be smooth (i.e. no rough boundaries). 2. Take one piece; remove the skin (the brown part). Put the white part in a food processor, or just chop it severely with a knife. 3. Put the outcome in a plate and then add tobacco. The ratio should be 10 – 20% tobacco to 80 – 90% coconut (or whatever – depending on your taste). 4. Mix it well. Very well. 5. Now add glycerin slightly and slowly, stirring the mixture alongside. Glycerin should be added just as much to turn the mixture into a thick substance. Don’t add too much, lest you turn it into syrup. (Glycerin helps slow soft burning while enjoy your sheesha). 6. Your flavor is ready here. If you wish to mix any kind of preservatives, please do so at your own risk. 7. Now take the other half of coconut. 8. Put a small hole exactly in the center of the base of the coconut half. The hole must be made in such a way that the stem of your hookah just exactly fits into it. 9. Now put flavor you made inside the coconut half mounted onto the hookah stem. 10. Place the foil on bowl, like you always do, except that this time bowl is actually the coconut. 11. Have fun!


1. Add few drops of coconut essence (a liquid easily available on grocery stores) to the water inside the base. This will multiply the taste by several folds. 2. Alternatively, add few mint leaves or even mint essence to the base to enjoy a unique combination of coconut+mint. Don’t add too much or you will destroy the taste of coconut.

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