How to Minimize the Side Effects of Common Painkillers

Painkillers can seem like a blessing to people afflicted with chronic pain and to those who have recently undergone surgery or experienced an injury. However, painkillers are powerful medications with addictive potential that can cause serious side effects. Some people even choose to suffer through pain to avoid common medication side effects. In most cases, though, there are steps you can take to decrease your probability of developing unpleasant symptoms.

Talk to Your Doctor
The most important thing you can do to decrease your probability to developing side effects is to give your doctor a thorough medical history. If you tend to have stomach, blood pressure or anxiety problems, you may be especially prone to reactions to some medications. Ask your doctor if there are alternative medications that cause fewer side effects or if he can prescribe you a lower starting dose that you can gradually increase if you do not get relief and experience no side effects.

Eat and Drink Water
Vomiting, diarrhea and stomach discomfort are among the most common side effects of opioid medications such as codeine and hydrocodone. Eating a full meal 30 minutes prior to taking the medication can minimizes the side effects. Drinking a full glass of water along with the medicine may also decrease stomach problems.

Take Small Doses
When you’re in pain, it can be tempting to immediately take the maximum allowable dose. This, however, is a recipe for side effects. Start with a small dose and if you do not receive relief in thirty minutes to an hour, increase the dosage.

Over the Counter Medications
Some over the counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be taken in larger doses under the direction of a doctor. This strategy may be advisable for people with addictive tendencies. Ask your doctor if an over the counter medication might alleviate your pain without causing dependency.

Supplemental Medications
If a prescription painkiller is an absolute necessity to ease your pain but you suffer from side effects, your doctor might be able to prescribe supplemental medications that minimize side effects. Anti-nausea medications and medications that temporarily alleviate anxiety and dizziness may help.

Some people find that sleeping an hour or two after taking a medication can help them ward off dizziness and anxiety. This allows your body time to adapt to the drug while you avoid any initial unpleasant side effects.

The Mayo Clinic Family Health Book-Mayo Clinic
American College of Physicians Home Medical Guide-American College of Physicians

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