How to Make Your Own Mouthwash

If you take the time to look at the ingredient list on many of today’s mouthwashes, you may be surprised at what you find. Unfortunately, a lot of the ingredients can end up doing more harm than good to your teeth and gums. Of course, some don’t like using mouthwash that contain alcohol since it can burn the gums and make your mouth feel horrible. Also, many have stated that the fresh breath you get with mouthwash does not seem to last very long. To get started with making your own mouthwash, you can see my personal mix below.

All natural Ingredients a must

To get started, you will need a few all natural ingredients. You can order some natural peppermint oil, spearmint oil and some coconut oil. There is a nice variety of oils that you can choose from to put into your homemade mouthwash. Be sure that when you are looking to order your oils or purchase them that you get the all natural kind. You will also want to take the time to read the labels on what you purchase, to make sure you are getting the right thing. If you are going to purchase it online, you will want to make sure you read carefully what is included in it. You can do a simple search online for a natural oil guide.

Everyday mix

With this type of mouthwash, you will not want to mix it all together and then store it. It is best to keep all of the ingredients in their natural bottles until you are ready to use it each day. You will need a small plastic or glass container to mix your ingredients in daily. Each morning after you have finished brushing your teeth, you can mix together the following: three drops of pure peppermint oil, three drops of spearmint oil and a tablespoon of coconut oil. If you don’t want to use the coconut oil, you can always use almond oil or another essential oil. Mix these ingredients well, and then add a tablespoon of water and mix for a few more seconds. You can then swish the mixture around in your mouth for at least a minute and spit it out. Be sure to wash out the container you used well after each rinse.

Start a routine and stick with it

Once you get your routine down with mixing your own homemade mouthwash, be sure to stick with it. Once you make it part of your routine, it will be easy to mix together. You may also start to see a difference in your oral health as you use the natural ingredients. Also, if you buy the oils in bulk, you may find that the cost is a lot cheaper than your typical mouthwash.

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