How to Install Faux Wood Blinds

Faux wood blinds add a warmth to the room that cannot be achieved with standard plastic blinds. Faux wood blinds are less expensive and resist water damage better than traditional wood blinds. Careful measurements of all of the windows in your home will ensure that the installation process is swift and simple.

This tutorial assumes that you will install the faux wood blinds into the window cavity so the blinds are flush with the surrounding walls.

Step 1: Measure the height and width of the window from the inside. Record exact measurements and do not round down.

Step 2: Purchase blinds that closely fit the width of each window without exceeding the recorded measurements. The blinds should also been long enough to fit the height of each window. Blinds that are too long can be modified if necessary.

Step 3: Raise the faux wood blind into the highest position so the slats are tightly against the top of the blind. Attach the brackets to the blind.

Step 4: Lift the faux wood blind to the window and hold it in place. Make sure that the blind is perfectly centered in window and the sides of the faux wood blind will not rub on the inside of the casement.

Step 5: Lightly mark with a pencil the location of the brackets. Remove the blind from the window.

TIP: If you need to install a center bracket, mark only the left and right bracket. Then use a measuring tape to determine the exact center point between the two end brackets. Place the center bracket over this mark, then use this position to mark the pilot hole for the center bracket.

Step 6: Remove the right bracket and hold it up to the corresponding mark on the window casement. Use a pencil to make marks for pilot holes. Repeat with the other brackets on the blind.

Step 7: Drill pilot holes for the faux wood blind using a cordless drill and appropriately sized bit.

Step 8: Screw the brackets into place using the cordless drill. Snap the faux wood blind into place.

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