How to Grow Plants Indoors: The Basics of What Plants Need to Grow Indoors

Summer is gone and so we harvest the last of our vegetables from the gardens that we have so carefully tended. Did you know that just because the days are shorter and the sun is less warm that doesn’t mean that you have to stop harvesting or growing beautiful plants. Thanks to advancements in lighting technology we are capable of continuously growing plants anytime of year. If you have an extra room or some extra space in your home you can grow plants inside all year round.

In order for plants to grow they need several things. All of these things are important and a plant will not thrive without them. The following plant needs should be taken into consideration when growing plants indoors; Space, nutrients, water, temperature, air and lighting.

Space – When growing plants inside they will need to be potted. Potting plants allows them to be moved around easily for when your house is being cleaned. It is also the most practical way to grow plants indoors. When choosing a pot to put your plant in keep in mind that the roots will need a lot of room to grow, the larger the roots are allowed to grow the bigger the plant will be. Larger plants and indoor trees will need very large pots in order to grow properly. Also make sure that your pots are the type that have drainage holes and plate at the bottom.

Nutrients – Mix your potting soil with some fertilizer. Water will absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer and the plant will soak them up through the roots. Do not over fertilize your plants, but ensure that it is getting lots of nutrients. The three most important nutrients that plants need to thrive and be healthy are Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous. Each of these nutrients serve their own purpose in keeping your plant looking and growing healthy. Nitrogen will help keep your plant dark green in color and looking very healthy. Potassium will help to ward off diseases your plant may encounter, while Phosphorous helps in seed production and will help to form a strong root system.

Water – Water is very important in the survival of any living thing including plants. However if you give your plant to much or to little of this valuable resource you can kill your plant. Touch your soil, if it feels slightly dry to touch then it is time to water your plant. Water the soil until it starts to drip from the drainage hole, then stop.

Temperature – When it comes to growing your plants indoors you have total control of the temperature that your plants are exposed to. Research your plant and know its needs. Like humans, different plants thrive differently in certain temperatures. Most plants prefer a warmer temperature during the day and cooler temperatures at night. Ensure that your plants are not in a drafty area.

Air – Clean air is important for proper growth in plants. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide from the air. Try to ensure that your plants aren’t being exposed to polluted air. Some pollutants to avoid include smoke and gases.

Lighting – When plants are growing outdoors nature provides the proper amount of light that a plant needs to grow and to thrive. When you bring those plants indoors it is up to you to make sure that they are getting the right amount of light. If possible, try to use natural sunlight by placing your plants near windows or sky lights. If it is not possible to use natural lighting, you can use grow lights. These artificial sources of light will ensure that your plants receive the light that they will need to grow. Your plants will need about fourteen hours of light per day. Ensure that you place your lights a proper distance from your plants so that you don’t scorch them.

Now that you have learned all of the basics of plant needs, you will be able to start the process of growing healthy abundant plants inside your own home.

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