How to Curb Inappropriate Chewing in Puppies

Puppies chew. There is no avoiding the issue. If you have just recently adopted a new puppy, you will soon find that out for yourself. But what can you do to curb inappropriate chewing in puppies?

Offer Alternatives for Your Puppy to Chew

Unless you do not mind your shoes, slippers and furniture chewed into a hundred pieces, you should offer alternatives for your puppy to chew on. Shop around for chew toys, meaty bones that will give your puppy hours of enjoyment, and dental chew toys that also help keep a puppy’s teeth clean while he chews. Some chew toys are squeaky, while others come with bells that will hold an active puppy’s interest long enough for him to forget about your new pair of shoes.

Offering these alternatives to your household goods and possessions will help keep your puppy preoccupied so that you do not have to worry about the destructive nature of his developing need to chew.

Stop Every Instance of Inappropriate Chewing

Even if you have a whole box bursting full of chew toys, bones and treats for your puppy to sink his teeth into, he may still occasionally decide that your leather sofa is a more enticing object that is worth chewing. Keep a close eye on your puppy and be on the lookout for signs that he is searching for something outside of his toy box to chew on.

Whenever you catch your puppy chewing something he shouldn’t be, make sure you let him know that he needs to stop right away. Use a firm (but not loud) voice and tell him “no” while you are doing so. The puppy should be able to hear the difference between your usual speaking voice when you are praising him and giving him simple commands to follow and the voice you use when you are disciplining him.

Dog owners who hope to curb chewing altogether will not be successful, as dogs have an inborn need to chew. But what they do have control over is destructive chewing. Inappropriate chewing can cost you your shoes, furniture and other household goods if your chew-happy puppy is not given alternatives to chew on. Offer your puppy chew toys, bones and a selection of dental chews so that he will always have a good selection to choose from. Curbing every instance of inappropriate chewing will also let your puppy know what is and is not acceptable.

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