How Much Does it Cost to Become a Substitute Teacher in Nevada?

After the school district interviews you, and you receive your mountain of paperwork, you will discover that the costs of becoming a substitute teacher involve more than just the substitute license. The first thing you need to do is order your official transcripts from the college or university you attended because the Department of Education will want to verify you have satisfied the credit requirements for a substitute license. Many schools offer these transcripts free, while others cost a few bucks.

The next cost you will incur is the cost for fingerprinting. This is $60 and done at Police Services behind the Edward A. Greer Education Center on 2832 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Once your fingerprints are done, and you have signed off on your background check, you can go to the Nevada Department of Education. This is located at 9890 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89123. The cost of the license is $161, and the receipt serves as your license until the official one comes in the mail, so do not misplace it!

Once those steps are done, you can start your substitute teaching training. This is done at, and the ten-hour course costs $15. Officially, that is the last thing you have to pay for to become a substitute.

So, the new cost is $236, plus any transcript fees you may be charged. It will take a little over two days of subbing to pay this off, so it is completely worth it.

Take it from a fellow sub, these will not be all the costs you will have when you start out subbing. Every school year, plan to spend $100 or so on professional clothing. There will always be some that get ruined every year (like a brand new white blouse that gets stained during an unexpected science lesson with food coloring)! Also, you will need to put together a sub kit. This is a supply box full of things you might use in the classroom, such as learning games, crayons, pencils, paper, scissors, stickers, emergency lesson plans, etc. That will probably cost you around $30. Obviously, it is easy to rack up the costs of half a paycheck to become a substitute teacher, but the end result is entirely worth it.

Final cost: Almost $500. Being there to teach kids that need to be taught? Priceless!

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