Homemade Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day creeps closer every second – taunting you to get off your butt and find someone or reminding you of how lucky you are to have your significant other. If you’re in the later category – congrats! Now, let’s insure you don’t end up alone again with some awesome homemade Valentine’s Day gifts.

1) Interlocking LEGO Heart Pendants – In an attempt to woo the nerdy, geeky, and quirky lovers out there, MonsterLEGO on Instructables came up with a tutorial on how to make interlocking heart pendants made out of LEGOS. All you need is two necklace chains, two jump rings, a LEGO 2×2 plate with end curve, and a pair of pliers to get the party started.

2) Secret-holding Walnut of Love – Any nature lovers out there? Maybe someone romantically involved with a squirrel? Well, here’s the present that’s sure to drive your significant other nutty! Junophor came up with an interesting concept – a walnut necklace that holds a secret within. This one looks hard and involves a lot of work and parts, so I won’t go into further details here. I hope your girl/guy/squirrel is worth the trouble!

3) Duct Tape Rose – We have all seen or owned a duct tape wallet at one time or another, but what about a duct tape rose? It is certainly more creative than a few flat pieces of tape, I’ll give it that! In an idea that originated from ducktapeclub.com and perfected by Instructables user Herrozerro, duct tape roses are the possibly the hottest thing to come from duct tape in a long while. It seems easy enough and the results are stunning. All you need is 10 minutes of time, some duct tape (ideally, colored), and some floral wire.

4) Light Bulb Vase – Looking for a simple, yet elegant vase to house your newly constructed duct tape rose? Sam at Instructables figured light bulbs were destined for bigger and better things than simply emitting light. All you need is a light bulb, metal rod, a piece of wood, a saw, drill, dermal, and pliers. Of course you can skip a lot of work if you have any potential stands laying around the house. If you do, all you really need to do is hollow it out, shove the rose in, and place it on the stand.

5) Bloody Valentine’s Heart – Have a “healthy” relationship that involves you two constantly pranking each other? Want to throw romantics out the window and go for shock value? I can’t blame you. That mushy love stuff is overrated anyway! TheProjectmaker at Instructables did a lovely tutorial on how to make a life-like heart out of a mold, pack of strawberry Jello-o, a 1/2 can of evaporated skim milk, and some other stuff. I’m not sure if this is more suitable as a Valentine’s Day gift or as evidence used in the filing of a protection order. Either way, It’s sure to make Valentine’s Day interesting.

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