Home Remedies for Ridding Your Home of Silverfish

Silverfish are an insect that measures about half an inch to an inch long, and love to eat on items in your home, especially books and foods that are starchy. Silverfish can be found anywhere in your home, the bathroom, basement, kitchen, and even the bedroom. Left unchecked Silverfish can cause extensive damage to your home. If you are battling with Silverfish you will be glad to know that there are several homemade remedies that you can use to rid your home of Silverfish. Just be sure that when using any of these methods you keep them completely out of the reach of children and pets.

One of the easiest ways to rid your home of Silverfish is to leave out Mashed Potato Balls for them around your house. To make Mashed Potato Balls you will want to mix mashed potatoes with alum powder, which you will shape into balls. Another way to make Mashed Potato Balls is to mix 2/3 cup of a potato mashed in it’s own juices with 1/3 cup baking powder, and then roll into balls. Leave the Mashed Potato Balls in different places throughout your home, but place them on squares of newspaper or cardboard to keep from making a mess.

Borax is another way to rid your home of Silverfish. You can use Borax in a number of ways. One of the ways to use Borax to get rid of Silverfish is to mix it with molasses then spread it on cardboard squares which are placed throughout your home. You can also make a fifty/fifty mix of Borax powder and flour, Borax powder and powdered sugar, or Borax powder and quick oats. Place the mixture in a paper cupcake holder, and place them throughout your house.

You can also spread Diatomaceous Earth around the floorboards of your home and other areas that you think that the Silverfish are traveling.

If you are looking for a less toxic way to rid your home of Silverfish you can turn to items that are considered to be natural repellants to Silverfish. Among the items that are considered to be natural repellants to Silverfish are Bay Leaves, Eucalyptus, Epsom Salt, whole cloves, cinnamon, and cucumber peels. You can sprinkle these items around the floor boards of your house, in cupboards or in drawers to help repel Silverfish. They can also be placed in paper cupcake holders and placed throughout the house.

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