Good Ways to Store Flower Seeds

Growing flowers from seed is easier than many people realize. They spend a lot of money on bedding plants year after year when they could have grown them from seed for a fraction of the cost. This is why it is important to store flowers seeds in good, labeled containers. They can be used for the subsequent growing season. Save a tremendous amount of money on plants, and use good ways to store flower seeds for the following year instead of just keeping them in plastic sandwich bags.

Save Empty Prescription Bottles to Store Flower Seeds

It is a shame to throw away empty prescription bottles. They are sturdy and just the right size for holding all sorts of small items including seeds. They provide a great way to keep them for the following season. The bottles are also easy to label. Just be sure to thoroughly wash and dry the containers before using them to hold flower seeds or anything else.

Use Envelopes to Store Flower Seeds

When looking for good ways to store flower seeds, consider how they are sold. They typically come in sturdy envelopes. This is also a good way to store self-harvested flower seeds. Label high-quality envelopes before adding the seeds, and store them in a dry area with low humidity. A small file box is a good way to organize the various types along with directions on flower planting and care.

Craft Bead Containers are Good for Storing Flower Seeds

Do you want to be able to see the flower seeds you plan to store? Many are identifiable with just a glance. Craft bead containers provide a good way to keep them. They are clear and just the right size. If desired, the bead containers can be labeled with peel and stick computer printer labels or small pictures or descriptions of blooms cut from flower seed catalogs.

Spices Jars Provide an Ideal Way to Store and Plant Flower Seeds

When seeking good ways to store flower seeds, consider using spice bottles. They are the perfect containers since they come with removable shaker tops. Wash and thoroughly dry spice jars, and use them to store flower seeds of your choice. When planting time arrives, work the ground and sprinkle the seeds through the holes according to planting directions – if they are small enough to fall through. This is a good way to store them, and it is by far the best way since the jars are sturdy, clear and come with shaker tops that are perfect for planting seeds.

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